Ensuring the safety of students and community

Front row, third from left: Prof Choong, Inspector Vishnu, Ngan and Dr Chen with participants of the talk

A talk on “Crime Prevention and Community Safety” was organised by Department of International Student Services (DISS) on 18 October 2019 at UTAR Kampar Campus, with the aim to educate international students on safety measures.

The speaker invited to enlighten the students was Inspector Vishnu Engkannah from Polis Diraja Malaysia, Kampar Special Branch, who emphasised the importance for students to understand the dos and don’ts when living in a foreign country in order to ensure one’s safety. Also present at the talk were Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Division of Community and International Networking Deputy Director Dr Chen I-Chi, DISS Head Ngan Mun Wai, staff and international students.

Although crime is generally understood as an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authorities, Inspector Vishnu elucidated further on the types of unlawful acts considered to be a crime in Malaysia. Among the many cases in Kampar, Inspector Vishnu listed the few common ones, such as motorcycle theft, theft inside a building, making fake reports, snatch theft, scam, and driving without license. He advised students to be extra careful at outdoors and to make sure that all windows are closed and doors locked when leaving the residences.

“When you go places, go with your friends rather than alone. Be aware of your surroundings because thieves often target victims who are not paying attention to their surroundings. Before entering your residence, make sure you have your keys ready. Do not hold doors for anyone whom you do not know. Also, make sure your valuable belongings are locked and kept safely in your drawers or wherever you think people won’t get access to easily. Avoid being targeted by displaying your cash or cell phones. If you, in any instance, saw something suspicious, or feel threatened in any way, never hesitate to call the police immediately by dialling 999,” advised Inspector Vishnu.

He added, “Safety devices are also available for users. For instance, for motorcyclists, they can install anti-theft alarm, a disc brake lock, and theft prevention GPS. It would also be wise to avoid parking your vehicles in dark places, and try parking in areas where there are more vehicles around.”

“In cases where one becomes the victim, it is very important not to panic because you will not be able to think about your next step. When you realise you are in danger, seek help from people nearby by shouting, waving your hands or call your friends. Try identifying the attacker’s physical characteristics, the vehicle they came in, or any other things that could be useful for the police. If anyone has broken into your house, remember not to touch anything and call the police immediately,” advised Inspector Vishnu.

Inspector Vishnu describing the types of scams

He also advised participants to be cautious with messages and phone calls they receive from unknown numbers. “Scammers today are becoming more creative with their methods to scam innocent victims. It may seem believable because it looks as though the scammers have personal information about the victims. That is why it is also important that we do not post any personal information on social media,” said Inspector Vishnu.

Further into the talk, participants were enlightened with examples of drug abuse cases and its dangers. They were also shown examples of individuals who had been taking drugs over the span of 10 years, to remind participants of the negative effects drug has on the body.

In the police’s effort to provide enhanced safety to citizens, Inspector Vishnu introduced a mobile application called Volunteer Smartphone Patrol (VSP) app. He explained that the app enables citizens to make complaints, or provide information such as photos, videos, and even the coordinates of a location to the police. Upon receiving the information, the police will be able to take swift action. The features provided in the app include complaint services, balik kampung services, and a directory which contains the number and address of the police headquarters. The app is also complete with the Google Maps function.

Steps to download the app

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