Insights on career opportunities in Malaysian public sector

UTAR Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) organised a career talk by the Public Services Commission (PSC) Malaysia at UTAR Kampar Campus on 14 November 2019.

(Front row, second from left) Chia and Leong smile for a group photograph with UTAR staff and students

Attended by more than 60 students, the talk aimed at providing a platform for UTAR students to have the privilege to obtain first-hand information about the public service sector and understand about the career opportunities that are available in the public service sector.

Chia explaining the recruitment process in the public sector

The talk was delivered by Assistant Secretary of Public Recruitment Commission from PSC Malaysia Chia Zi Sheng and the two-hour talk was divided into two main categories, namely “Overview of Public Service and Recruitment Process” and “Benefits of the Public Servants”.

He started his talk by highlighting the miscellaneous benefits of joining the public service which include five-day work in a week and 25 days of annual leave, medical benefits that include one's immediate family members, allowances, loan facilities, flexible working hours and other attractive perks. He added, “The satisfaction one gets from being in the public service is of course not just the benefits, but ultimately, the ability and opportunity to serve the nation.”

He then proceeded to explain to the audience on how to apply for a job via PSC's official website. The talk further shed light on topics such as the hierarchy in the public service, career prospects in the public service, recruitment process in the public sector, online application through PSC portal, issues related to online application, job application status, most popular jobs in the government sector, as well as the benefits of a public servant.

Chia extended his gratitude to UTAR for inviting him to share with UTAR students about civil service. He said, “It is good to have more options in your career and I hope this talk will be able to enlighten the students to learn more about the opportunities in the public sector. 

The talk ended with a lively Q&A session and a group photograph.

DARP representative Leong Lai Pin (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Chia

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