Building international consensus on BRI
Front row, from left: Kee,
Prof Zheng, Prof Yow, YB Dr Ong, Tan Sri Chuah, Gu Li, Zhong and Prof Ma
with participants
Belt and Road Strategic Research Centre (BRSRC) hosted the 2nd seminar with
Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN), China-Malaysia Qinzhou
Industrial Park (CMQIP) and Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP),
and the “Belt and Road Initiative Forum 2019” with Anhui Normal University
(ANHU) at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. The
event saw more than 100 participants from various universities, research
institutes, industry, and government agencies.
The main objective of the seminar and
forum was to promote academic interaction and collaboration between China
and Malaysia on issues related to the development of Belt and Road
Initiative (BRI), including the twin parks development in Malaysia and
China. In addition, it provided a platform for researchers to interact with
international experts and identify potential areas for international
The event was attended by delegates from
China, GXUN, ANHU, CMQIP (China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Group
Holding Co. Ltd., and China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Administrative
Committee) and speakers from Malaysia, including MCKIP. A total of 20 papers
was presented by speakers from China and Malaysia during the plenary and
parallel sessions, covering topics related to Twin Parks Cooperation and
Belt and Road Initiative.
Present at the opening ceremony were
Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry YB Dr Ong Kian Ming;
CMQIP Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China Deputy
Party Chief Gu Li; CMQIP Administrative Committee, People’s Republic of
China Director of Personnel Division Zhong Guilian; MCKIP Sdn Bhd Head of
Operation Ir Kee Lian Cheng; GXUN College of Ethnology and Sociology,
People’s Republic of China Prof Zheng Yisheng; ANHU, People’s Republic of
China School of Economics and Management Vice-Dean Prof Ma Ji; UTAR Planning
and Development Committee Chairman Ir Academician Emeritus Prof Tan Sri
Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik; UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and
Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Yow Ho Kwang; UTAR Vice President for R&D
and Commercialisation Prof Ts Dr Faidz bin Abd Rahman; UTAR Vice President
for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and
BRSRC Chairperson Prof Dr Cheng Ming Yu.
YB Dr Ong
speaking about Industry 4.0 Opportunities in Malaysia
YB Dr Ong said, “I’m happy to note the
presence of participants comprising not only of academicians and researchers
but also SMEs and business associations from both Malaysia and the People’s
Republic of China. For the past 10 years, China has consistently been
Malaysia’s number one trading partner. In 2018, China ranked first in terms
of imports and was the second-largest export destination. The total trade
between our two countries was valued at USD77.72billion, an increase of 8.1%
from 2017. Kuantan Port, which obtained Free Zone port approval with
conditions from the Ministry of Finance Malaysia in June 2016 has
established The Free Zone on 1 April 2019. This endorsement linking the
Qinzhou Port will hopefully provide enthusiasm and new interest from Chinese
investors especially logistics and supply chain operators as they consider
using Kuantan Port as a gateway for manufacturing facilities, warehousing,
distribution centres and a transit/ transhipment hub.”
He continued, “Working together with
other ASEAN countries, the Malaysian Government should continue to promote
regional economic integration through trade facilitation and reduction in
non-tariff barriers. Strategically located, Malaysia continues
to be a hub for trade and investments into ASEAN. Hence, the participation
of Malaysia in the BRI would facilitate investors to integrate into the
regional and global supply chain. This would complement Malaysia’s
commitment to providing a conducive environment for business and commercial
activities. In connection to this, Malaysia welcomes the prospect of
multilateral cooperation with other BRI participating countries, supported
by a pool of skilled talent that can easily adapt to the various industries’
Prof Yow
speaking on the relationship between Malaysia and China
Prof Yow said, “This year marks the 45th
anniversary of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China. Since then,
bilateral relations between the two countries have continued to deepen.
China is currently one of Malaysia's leading trading partners and Malaysia
is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN. In addition to trade and
economic cooperation, both countries have also developed close ties in
cultural and educational interactions. Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial
Park (MCKIP) and China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (CMQIP) signify the
strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries,” as he welcomed
the delegates.
He added, “Aligned with the Belt and
Road’s aspiration, this seminar and forum provide a platform for us to
present and share our views, findings, analysis and recommendations on the
current and potential challenges brought by the initiative to various
aspects of Malaysia. Also, this seminar and forum will provide better
insight and understanding of how local Malaysians could gain from China’s
symbol of peace, and in return, how China could benefit from Malaysia. The
Malaysian Ministry of Education has recently designated 5th of October as
the Hari Akademia (or Academia Day) and the month of October as the Bulan
Akademia or the Month of Academia. Therefore, today’s seminar is the start
of such academic activities for UTAR in the month of Bulan Akademia in
support of the Ministry of Education’s initiative.”
Prior to this, UTAR had participated in
the seminar organised by Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN) and
CMQIP on the “1st Seminar on the
Twin Parks Cooperation between China and Malaysia” held from 21 November
2018 till 24 November 2018, and ANHU on the “China-Malaysia Belt and Road
Initiative Symposium” from 27 December till 28 December 2018.
Clockwise from
top left: Gu, Kee, Prof Ma, Prof Cheng, and Prof Zheng
The event also saw a plenary session and
two parallel panel discussions which offered in-depth analyses concerning
Twin Parks Cooperation and Belt and Road Initiative. In the plenary session,
moderated by Prof Dato’ Dr Tai Shzee Yew from UTAR Faculty of Accountancy
and Management (FAM), China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Investment
Holding Group Co. Ltd. Deputy Party Chief Gu Li presented the development of
China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (CMQIP) and its historical
opportunities. Focusing on improving the cooperation of “Two Countries, Twin
Parks”, he explained areas which both countries should take concern,
including government aspect and economic aspect.
The session was then continued with the
presentation from Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park Sdn Bhd Head of
Operation Ir Kee Lian Cheng. In his talk, he explained the update and
progress of Malaysia’s first national industrial park—Malaysia-China Kuantan
Industrial Park (MCKIP) and presented the bilateral investment cooperation
iconic projects between the two countries. According to him, the projects
were strongly supported by the Malaysian government, where various
attractive incentives were given to investors in MCKIP such as import duty
exemption, stamp duty exemption, 100 per cent corporate income tax exemption
up to 15 years, and existing East Coast Economic Region’s (ECER) incentives.
He also explained the status of investment particularly in the industry of
modern integrated steel mill and concrete spun piles manufacturing and
presented the master plan of MCKIP in order to enhance participants’
understanding on this mega projects.
On the other hand, Prof Zheng Yisheng
from GXUN College of Ethnology and Sociology talked about the Sino-Malaysia
Double-Garden Cooperation Research Path from the perspective of Enterprise
Anthropology. He said, “Anthropology is a science that studies the laws of
human development. The history of anthropological development has
experienced four revolutions. The first revolution was a study on the
primitive people; the second was a study on peasant society; the third was a
study on urban society, and last was a study on various enterprises in
modern society.” He also suggested the focuses that should be put as the
object and content of enterprise anthropology research, such as focus on
corporate organisation, human resource management, consumer behaviour,
product design, marketing, advertising and communication strategies,
corporate culture, cross-cultural management, and minority entrepreneurs.
AHNU School of Economics and Management
Vice-Dean Prof Ma Ji explained the background and the progress of Yangtze
River Delta (YRD). He presented the comparison between YRD urban
agglomerations and world-class city cluster, as well as described the
historical evolution, essential connotation and strategic objectives of YRD
At the plenary session, Prof Dr Cheng
also presented on “The Development of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the
‘Two Countries Twin Parks’ Model’”. She gave a brief introduction on BRI and
gave reports of the development of BRI, and BRI and ‘Two Countries Twin
Parks’ Model. She said, “The keywords under BRI are cooperation, mutual
benefit, sustainable growth, connectivity and development. Under the BRI
2018 report, the five connectivity indexes are policy coordination,
facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and
people-to-people bond.”
The plenary
session was chaired by Prof Tai (centre) as the moderator
Clockwise from
top left: Yap, Zheng, Zhong and Dr Tham
Yap presented the overview of MCKIP and
the latest development of twin parks while Zheng presented on the present
situation, prospects and challenges of CMQIP. Yap said, “The idea of ‘two
countries, twin parks’ was derived from the commitment by the governments of
China and Malaysia in upgrading the bilateral investment cooperation.” Zheng
expressed, “We need to know how to attract Malaysian enterprise through good
cooperation among people. Companies need to be exposed to the host country
and understand the culture to have better cooperation.”
Dr Tham spoke on MCKIP Park’s objectives, immediate impact, long-term impact and foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in Malaysia. She said, “The immediate objectives of MCKIP are fulfilled in terms of attracting FDI and it enhances the capabilities of the locals through training. The long-term objectives in terms of contributing to long term development goals will be dependent on technology transfer as in other FDI.” Meanwhile, Zhong said, “The cooperation of Two Countries, Twin Parks aims to promote exchanges and visits of youth between China and Malaysia, to have advance international exchanges and cooperation in vocational education, to carry out cultivation of international innovation and entrepreneurship and to deepen cooperation and exchanges in culture and art between the two countries.”
Clockwise from
top left: Ma, Lee Sim Kuen and Liu
On the other hand, Ma Chang Wei delivered
his talk on transnational network and entrepreneurship of modern Nanyang
overseas Chinese. He shared the story of businessman Oei Tjoe, explaining
how the successful man went to Indonesia looking for opportunities,
established his business network, worked hard and achieved success, and
eventually returned to China for future prospect. While Lee Sim Kuen
discussed her paper which focussed on the Conflict of Law and Rule of Law
under the BRI from Malaysian perspective. She highlighted the importance of
recognising the laws and she said, “Every country has its own arbitration
centre. If you want to have a global understanding of BRI, you must
understand the legal framework. By understanding Malaysian’s perspective,
you will actually know how to go with the law if you invest in Malaysia. ”
Moreover, Liu talked about game analysis
based on the available resources, benefits and costs. According to him, in
the game process, if some participants demand excessive benefits that do not
match their strength or costs, then non-cooperative games or conflicts may
happen. He said that non-equilibrium state has the possibility to involve
into equilibrium state, therefore in different power comparison situations,
the game between the two participants can reach some possible equilibrium.
The second session which focused on Twin
Parks Cooperation was presented by Dr Long, GXUN Chen Run Xu and UTAR FAM
Head of PhD and MPhil Programmes Dr Cham Tat Huei, moderated by Yap Hon Lun;
while BRI-related session was presented by AHNU Hu Xiao Wen, Chin Mui Yin
from Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC), UTAR FAM Academic
Development and Undergraduate Programmes Deputy Dean Dr Hen Kai Wah, and
UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies Contemporary China Studies Unit Head Dr
Chin Chong Foh. It was moderated by UTAR Lee Kong Chian Faculty of
Engineering and Science Ts Dr Tan Ooi Kuan.
Clockwise from
top left: Dr Long, Chen, and Dr Cham
Dr Long’s presentation was on the concept
of soft power proposed by Joseph Nye which focused on culture, values and
ideology. She said, “We need to enhance the trust between the two countries.
This can lead to higher productivity in the manufacturing aspect. These
collaborations create job opportunity while boosting Malaysia’s growth.”
“New companies that venture into the
industrial park may have adaptation problems. Thus, we need to be concerned
not only on their level of productivity but on their mental health as well.
We need to encourage people to practice continuous learning and provide
training at the management level while exposing them to the global
opportunity. That way, we can also attract more global talents and leverage
on different ideas to increase productivity,” Chen said as she presented on
talent recruitment methods as well as industrial park management and
Dr Cham’s presentation focused on the
perception and expectation of the businesses in Kuantan towards MCKIP. He
said, “The objective of the study is to examine the impact of MCKIP on the
economy of Kuantan through eliciting the perception and expectation of the
local businesses in Kuantan towards MCKIP and to explore potential areas for
local businesses to participate in the development of MCKIP.”
Clockwise from
top left: Hu, Chin, Dr Chin and Dr Hen
Furthermore, Hu gave a presentation on
foreign exchange intervention, exchange rate stability and monetary policy
rules in emerging market economies. He stated the reasons central banks care
about exchange rate fluctuation and explained how policymakers use policy
interest rate and foreign exchange intervention to address inflation rate
and exchange rate. While Chin talked about the challenges faced by Malaysian
SMEs and the way forward under BRI framework. She highlighted the importance
of exploring the readiness of local SMEs to play an active role in the
initiative and presented her research result which consisted of the
perceptions of Malaysian SMEs from both the service and manufacturing
Besides, Dr Hen presented a study about
key research trend in BRI’s scientific publication via bibliometric
analysis. He shared his research outcome and concluded that BRI-related
research area has experienced fast growth due to the high demand. On the
other hand, Dr Chin presented a comparative analysis on BRI perceptions of
Malaysia’s mainstream newspapers. He said, “In Malaysia, the BRI has
attracted much media attention. By reviewing the press content, we would be
able to detect the sentiments and perceptions of local communities towards
the BRI as well as Malaysia-China relations.”
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