Taipei Financial Tour-cum-Study Tour

UTAR visitors receiving a warm reception from the CUTe students at Tao Yuan Airport, Taiwan

A group of 15 UTAR students, led by Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Department of Finance Head Kuah Yoke Chin, joined a study tour to Hsinchu Campus, China University of Technology (CUTe), Taiwan from 22 to 29 September 2019. The UTAR visitors arrived at Tao Yuan Airport, Taiwan on 22 September 2019. They were welcomed by a group of students from CUTe and staff Yi Lu-Qiu.

The study tour aimed to promote international cultural exchange among students, make students more open-minded and provide students with learning experiences especially on financial knowledge as the main purpose of the study tour was to attend a Finance Workshop (财金研习营) held at CUTe. The Finance Workshop was co-organised by CUTe’s Division of International and Cross-Straits Affairs and Department of Finance. 

Four different financial management classes including “Introduction to Financial Management System” and “Financial Management Board Game” were conducted by Taiwan Wealth Management Planning Consultant Certification Association Chairperson Lin Shu-Tien. The “Application on Financial Management System” was conducted by CUTe’s Department of Finance Dr Yang Hsiu-Pi and “Bank Business” was conducted by CUTe’s alumni-cum-Land Bank Branch Manager Huang Yun-Hsing.

Lin (front row, second from right) conducted the “Introduction to Financial Management System” and “Financial Management Board Game” class for UTAR students

UTAR students with Lin (middle) during the Board Game session

Dr Yang (front row, third from right) with UTAR staff and students

Kuah (second from left) and Huang (most left) with students

Apart from learning in the classroom, the UTAR visitors also had the chance to visit several places during the site visit. They visited the Taipei Hua Nan Securities Co. Ltd, Taipei-Land Bank of Taiwan Museum and National Tsing Hua University.

Front row, third from right: CUTe Department of Finance Head Assoc Prof Cho Wen-Chien accompanied UTAR staff and students to visit Taipei Hua Nan Securities Co. Ltd

UTAR staff and students visited several places during the site visit

The enriching study tour ended with a closing ceremony. A Malaysian dance “Saya Anak Malaysia” was performed by UTAR students as an appreciation gift to the CUTe members for their great hospitality.

UTAR students wearing Malaysian traditional costumes

UTAR students performing the “Saya Anak Malaysia” dance

Kuah said, “I was glad to be chosen as the tour leader for this study tour. The programme has exposed us to the multicultural elements in Taiwan. We were also exposed to personal financial planning classes such as wealth management, financial holding key application and board games. I am thankful to CUTe’s lecturers and helpers for being so patient in guiding us through the study tour. Finally, I am proud of UTAR students for being able to put up a wonderful and impressive cultural song titled ‘Saya Anak Malaysia’ during the closing ceremony.”

A group photo of UTAR and CUTe members during the closing ceremony

China University of Technology (CUTe), Taiwan was founded in 1965 as Chinese Municipal Vocational School. Currently, CUTe has two campuses, named Taipei Campus and Hsinchu Campus.

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