Green productivity: The better way for a sustainable economy

Prof Elsadig (front row, fifth from left) with the participants

The Centre for Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility in Business (CSDCSR) organised a talk on “Green Productivity Implications on Long run Sustainable Economic Growth” at Sungai Long Campus on 21 October 2019.

Prof Elsadig addressing the concept of green productivity

Delivering the talk was Prof Dr Elsadig Musa Ahmed, a Professor of Economics and Technology Management from Multimedia University (MMU). The talk which aimed to highlight the integration of innovation and climate with economic growth was awarded the Novel Prize in economics in 2018 in terms of the concept green productivity. It focused on the fundamental findings of Nordhaus and Romer’s (2018) research, which suggested frameworks and models to measure green productivity to be used for long-term sustainable economic growth in its dual dimensions.

Highlighting the concept of green productivity, Prof Elsadig explained that it was a strategy to simultaneously enhance productivity and environmental performance for overall socio-economic development. “It tenders SMEs with an approach to achieve a competitive advantage by being better while using less. Therefore it is a realistic strategy to increase productivity and protect the environment concurrently,” he said.

He also explained the impact of green total factor productivity (TFP) on sustainable productivity growth and presented the frameworks and models that were developed based on extensive and intensive growth theories to measure green TFP, green labour productivity and green capital productivity as well as their contributions to green productivity and sustainable development. Besides, he demonstrated the productivity measure by taking into account pollutant emissions into the production function as private and unpriced inputs.

The talked ended with a presentation of souvenir from CSDCSR Chairperson Dr Mohammad Falahat Nejadmahani to Prof Elsadig, followed by a group photo session.

Dr Falahat (left) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Elsadig

Prof Elsadig is a senate member of MMU, Research and Ethics, Board of Postgraduates, and a member of Students’ disciplinary committee. He is the coordinator for Post Graduate Programmes and Chairperson of Center for Globalization and Sustainability Research at the Faculty of Business, MMU. He is a reviewer and an expert on the second Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report “Biodiversity and Human Well-being: A Synthesis Report for the Convention on Biological and Diversity, 2005”, Economic Modelling, Journal of Productivity Analysis, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, and Telecommunications Policy.

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