Conference provides insights into Chinese religions

Front row, third from left: Dr Chong, Lee, Chong, Prof Ewe, Prof Zhang and Dr Wong

In order to promote international exchange and Chinese religious studies, UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) organised the 3rd Conference on Chinese Religions on 23 August 2019 at Sungai Long Campus.

Themed ‘Chinese Religions and Multi-ethnic Society’, the conference aimed to enhance the understanding of Malaysian Chinese society and their religious beliefs, as well as to promote the exchange of diverse ethnic social cultures and ideas.

Present at the conference were UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Prof Ir Dr Ewe Hong Tat, conference initiator Prof Zhang YuDong, ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, ICS Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Deputy Dean Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin, the Association of Kwong Tong Cemetery Management Kuala Lumpur President Lee Chun Kong, Chong Swee Chu from Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Malaysia Chapter, scholars and UTAR staff.

Dr Wong (left) and Prof Zhang delivering their speeches

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr Wong expressed his gratitude to all the parties for their commitment and support, as well as for the many contributions given. He also shared the aims of the conference and briefly explained how they got it started.

Prof Zhang, on the other hand, said, “Globalisation has created a borderless world, however, it couldn’t eliminate the boundaries of ethnicity.” He believed that mutual respect and understanding among multi-religious adherents have become an inevitable trend. He also said that religious harmony is an important component in ensuring unity and solidarity of society. He hoped that an event like this could be continuously held in the future to promote exchange and bring about coexistence in the society.

Prof Ewe (left) and Chong delivering their speeches

Also invited to deliver speeches were Prof Ewe and Chong. In his remarks, Prof Ewe highlighted the importance of interaction and exchange to broaden one’s horizon. He said, “People live in a reciprocally interrelated world. We are able to create a harmonious society through research and dialogue between individuals, institutions and nation, making contribution towards a peaceful future.” Chong delivered her speech on behalf of Venerable Jue Cheng. She emphasised the spirit of respect and tolerance, saying that they are needed for the promotion of unity and noble culture which in return could enhance the prospect of the nation.

Another conference with the topic “Master Seet Kim Beng and Buddhism in Malaysia” will be held on 25 August 2019 in Malacca. The seminar aims to promote the study of Master Seet Kim Beng and Malaysian Buddhism, as well as to explore the value of religious culture in the aspects of national development, social progress and cultural heritage.

Participants listening attentively during the conference

The conference saw the participation of scholars from various countries, namely China, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The scholars included Prof Huang HaiDe, Prof Fang ZhengYi, Prof Feng Bin, Assoc Prof Liu ShouZheng, Assoc Prof Zhang ZhongXin and Assoc Prof Zhong DaRong from Huaqiao University (HQU); Prof Chen Jing Xi from Shantou University; Prof Zheng Li from Xiamen University; Wu, Yunlong from Thammasat University (TU); Prof Lo Lung Kwong from the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Prof Huang, Kuo-Ching from Nanhua University; Loh Pai Ling from Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia; Assoc Prof Tang Chew Peng from Southern University College; Ching Thing Ho from University of Malaya; Fo Guang University postgraduate student Shi HongBing; and UTAR postgraduate student Seck Jue Hong.

The conference was jointly organised by UTAR ICS, HQU Research Center for Overseas Chinese Religion and FuJian-Taiwan Religion and TU Institute of East Asian Studies. The two conferences held previously have achieved fruitful results.

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