Practising a healthy lifestyle

UTAR Faculty of Creative Industries’ Department of General Studies along with MyEndosis Malaysia, UTAR Centre for Cancer Research (CCR), Organization for Women in Science (OSWD) Malaysia National Chapter, UTAR Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences’ Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA) Malaysia organised “Heal to Health” at UTAR Sungai Long Campus on 23 August 2019.

The event served as a platform for participants to attain knowledge of chronic diseases, endometriosis, breast-related illness, diagnosis and treatments from the speakers. Heal to Health offered health talks, support group discussion and free clinical consultation by academic staff and physicians from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and trained nurses from BCWA.

Department of Media, Faculty of Creative Industries Zachary Roland A.F. Anthony emcee of the event

Lim presenting a talk

MyEndosis Vice President Penny Lim Wai Peng in her talk titled “Menstrual Pain and Endometriosis” explained endometriosis, the causes and symptoms of endometriosis and the importance of getting a proper diagnosis. She said, “Endometriosis is a medical condition that occurs when the endometrium grows in other places such as fallopian tubes, ovaries or along the pelvis. WhenF the lining breaks down, like the regular lining in the uterus that produces menstruation, it has nowhere to go. The cause of endometriosis is unknown and to date, there is still no cure for endometriosis.” She urged young ladies with severe menstrual pain to get themselves checked for early diagnosis of endometriosis, instead of just using or relying on pain killers without knowing the exact root causes.

Foo giving a talk

Foo Mei Ling an active supporter and member of MyEndosis spoke about the society’s perception regarding menstruation and taboos of menstruation. She said, “In particular society, menstruation is perceived as unclean or embarrassing which inhibits people around us to even mention ‘menstruation’ in the public. Some religions consider menstruation ritually unclean, thus women with menstruation are not allowed to participate in any religious activity. We need to overcome this taboo and ensure the topic of menstruation is neither stigmatised nor avoided.”

From left: Head of Department of General StudiesIra Meilita (most right) presenting the token of appreciation to Foo and Lim

Prof Lim presenting a talk

Ira (left) presenting the token of appreciation to Prof Ts Dr Lim

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) - Malaysia National Chapter President-cum-Centre for Cancer Research Chairperson Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi shared her research findings on “Chinese Herbal Medicine Ameliorate Endometriosis”. She shared the symptoms and prescription using Chinese herbs and medicines (concoctions and decoctions) to heal stagnation of cold and blood stagnation; qi deficiency and blood stagnation; kidney deficiency and blood stagnation. “Qi is an energy that produces heat; when you have qi circulation you feel warm. When you have enough nutrients and enough rest, you will have a healthy lifestyle. When you have optimal qi circulation, your blood circulation will be normal. When qi is not smooth, blood stagnation will happen,” mentioned Prof Lim. “The type of medicine depends on your body condition; if your body needs heat then use the type of Chinese medicine that will give you heat. Do consult a Chinese physician to know your body constitution and to determine what type of Chinese medicine you can take,” said Prof Lim. Then, she talked about the recommendation to ameliorate period pain. Next, she introduced OWSD to the participants.

From left: Dr Foo Chai Nien and Dr Ng Foong Leng

CCR members and OWSD MNC chapter committee members Dr Foong Leng and Dr Foo Chai Nien gave a demonstration on herbal decoction to guide participants to understand one’s individual body constitution via a session on understanding Chinese medicine and decoction.

Herbal tea was provided to all participants

Dr Teh giving a talk

Ira (left) presenting the token of appreciation to Dr Teh

Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr Teh Siew Hoon gave a talk on “Menstrual Pain: The Use of Chinese Medicine in Dysmenorrhea”. As a lecturer-cum-practitioner in a paediatric clinic, she shared her clinical experience in menstrual pain management. According to research, statistics showed that 55.5 per cent of young girls experiencing menstrual pain did nothing about the pain even though it affected their lifestyle. She explained the symptoms and the types of Chinese medicines used to manage or cure qi and blood deficiency, kidney deficiency, blood stasis due to cold and stagnation of qi. “Another system that is unique in the Chinese medicine theory is the meridian system, the food that we eat transfers into energy. It is called the qi and it will flow to the meridian and the whole body to supply sufficient energy. If there is insufficient qi at certain meridian, it will cause a disease, so we stimulate those acupoints; balance back the irregular qi by using acupuncture, moxibustion and massage,” said Dr Teh. 

Matron Datin Zainab introducing BCWA

Matron Datin Zainab giving useful information about BCWA

Ira (left)presenting the token of appreciation to Matron Datin Zainab

Community Outreach Services Manager of Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA) Matron Datin Zainab binti Abdullah gave a talk on “Reducing the Risk and Early Detection of Breast Cancer”. She shared her clinical experience and knowledge on reducing one’s risk via early detection. The objective of BCWA was to provide emotional, social and material support for individuals with breast cancer, help them manage the pain and stress throughout the treatment and let cancer survivors motivate those receiving treatment or suffering from the impacts. “Lead a healthy lifestyle, do go for breast examination to detect early breast cancer,” advised Matron Datin Zainab.

During the talk, practical sessions were offered on the spot, where participants learnt to do a breast examination. Different breast models were used to differentiate growths that are normal and abnormal.

Practical session with the participants

Free clinical breast examination from BCWA

A participant during the breast examination

Heal to Health Project Director Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng (far left), Datin Zainab and Matron Sharifah Salmah Syed Muhammad (centre, both in uniform), OWSD Dr Foo and Dr Ng (third and second from right) with participants


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