Herbal remedies for health and wellness

According to UTAR Centre for Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine Chairperson-cum-Department of Chinese Medicine Head Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) experts from the Preventive Center of Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University(广西中医药大学第一附属医院中医治未病中心)and the TCM Expert Committee of Education Association between Malaysia and China(马中教育协会中医药专家委员会), certain herbs could help protect one from diseases or ease its symptoms.

From the perspective of Chinese philosophy, people fall sick because their elements are imbalanced. The balance is believed to be controlled by the relationship between Yin (阴) and Yang (阳) within one’s body system. TCM believes that a person can have both “evil” Yin and Yang and both affect the Qi, especially if the person has “too much heat”.

The following herbal prescription is developed based on the hot weather in Malaysia and is recommended by Dr Te and the experts to maintain a healthy Qi.

薄荷叶(后下) Mint leaf 5g
桑叶 Mulberry leaf 3g
荷叶 Lotus leaf 3g
枇杷叶 Loquat leaf 3g
淡竹叶 Lophatherum Herba 2g
藿香叶 Cablin Potchouli Herb 3g
升麻 Cimicifugae Rhizome 3g
苍术 Atracylodes Rhizome 3g
玉竹 Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 3g
生黄芪 Astragali Radix 10g

Method of preparation: Prepare 2,000 ml of water in a pot. Put all the herbs into the pot except the mint leaves and soak them for 20 minutes. Boil it at high heat before turning it low for about 10 minutes. Add mint leaves after 10 minutes and cook it for another 5 minutes. Finally, turn off the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes.

Usage: Boil a dose every day. It can be cooked repeatedly until the taste becomes light.

The herbal is suitable for adults with a relatively hot body. Those who easily feel thirsty and fatigue are recommended to take it for three to five days consecutively. It is not suitable for adults with a cold body and pregnant women. If any discomfort occurs after consumption, discontinue the use and consult a doctor immediately.

TCM believes that there is a specific time to avoid “evil energies”. People are urged to stay at home and avoid gathering during this special period. During this period, people should also maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, washing hands regularly, opening the windows frequently to increase air ventilation, exercise and relax.

As a response to the stay-at-home order, Dr Te encouraged people to call the nearby Chinese pharmacies or Chinese medicine clinics for a consultation or use the delivery service.

Herbal remedies (photos retrieved from online resources)

(Translation source: https://library.hkbu.edu.hk/electronic/libdbs/mmd/index.html )

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