Faculties in Kampar Campus organise
e-convo celebratory events for 2020 graduates

The faculties of UTAR Kampar Campus, namely Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Faculty of Business and Finance, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, and Faculty of Science organised various faculty-level activities for graduates of the March and August 2020 Convocation. The array of activities, which were conducted online, were participated by respective faculty dean, deputy deans, heads of departments (HODs), academics, staff and graduates.

Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) separated their e-convocation (e-convo) celebration according to departments, which saw a total of five short sessions held from 8 to 14 August 2020 via Microsoft Teams.

The Departments of Construction Management (CM) and Environmental Engineering were the first two to hold their celebratory moments on 8 August 2020. The session with the Department of Construction Management saw HoD Dr Olanrewaju Abdullateef Ashola delivering a speech, and it was followed by congratulatory messages and advice from CM lecturers.

Dr Olanrewaju (bottom, second from right) reminding graduates to stay in touch

“This day is about you, and what you have achieved from your hard work and determination. Graduation is the time for you to think about your future. When you think about the road ahead, you may begin looking back to where you have started, but here you are today! So congratulations! I hope when you look back at your time in our department, I hope you do so in fondness and happiness. As you move on with your next phase of life, remember that this department will remain a part of you, and is always for you, now and forever. You will always be welcomed in this department. We look forward to hearing about your personal and professional achievements as you build on the foundation that we have provided to you. Remember also to contribute back to the society, humanity and your family. You have the skills to achieve great things, so be confident and make a difference. Lastly, I hope you will continue to engage with us as alumni and contribute to the shaping of UTAR and our department. Graduation should not be goodbyes, as this department will always be a part of you. Congratulations again and best wishes,” said Dr Olanrewaju.

CM lecturer Dr Shalini Sanmargaraja also wished the best to the graduates, while Ar Tan Seong Yeow said, “I hope we have been a meaningful part of your life and have contributed to your development as a person. Do stay in touch and develop good characters that will be good examples to others.” Dr Vignes Ponniah assured the graduates that they have the skills and knowledge to overcome job-seeking challenges and advised them to be confident and brave and to look for opportunities in their career development. Other lecturers also provided their inputs on job seeking and gave graduates valuable pieces of advice. It ended with an interactive sharing session between lecturers and graduates.

Ar Tan advising graduates

The Department of Environmental Engineering also conducted their get-together session with graduates on 8 August 2020. HoD Assoc Prof Dr Mohammed J. K. Bashir firstly thanked all graduates and staff who participated in the online meet-up. He then later updated everyone on the latest happenings in the department, including the current programmes offered and congratulated the graduates on their achievements.

Introductory slide for Department of Environmental Engineering before the session start

Dr Mohammed (top right) and lecturer Ts Dr Wong Ling Yong (top left) congratulating the graduates

“I know that some of our graduates are working overseas and in global companies. I am very proud of their achievements. I have also heard much positive feedback regarding the quality of our graduates. I hope you will continue to make UTAR proud, while keeping in mind the University’s vision and mission. I also hope our programmes will continue to instil knowledge and skills to prepare our graduates for the working world. Our programmes are designed to help graduates remain competent in practising fundamental scientific and engineering principles in the Environmental Engineering industry. I believe the programmes will also nurture our graduates with the capability of communicating and managing effectively in diverse areas of the field. Graduates under the programme will also be able to practice professional ethics, lifelong learning and sustainable development, which will lead to the betterment of the profession and society,” said Dr Mohammed.

The session continued with a short sharing session with the graduates, where they shared their experiences from their work, while others updated about their current employment status. Some of the lecturers also provided advice to the graduates and encouraged them to provide their feedback for continuous improvement of the programmes. The graduates were also reminded to keep in touch and to stay connected through UTAR’s alumni association.

The Department of PetroChemical Engineering (PE) held an “HoD meeting with Alumni” on 13 August 2020 on Microsoft Teams. It kick-started with HoD Dr Mathialagan Muniyadi delivering a speech to the graduates. He firstly informed them of the latest updates of the PetroChemical industry, and mentioned that various plans and implementations were being considered in dealing with the pandemic, as well as a solution to provide more job opportunities.

Screenshot before the start of the session

“Congratulations on your graduation and I am glad that you can join us for this short session. Having completed four years of studies in UTAR, I hope we gave you enough knowledge and skills for the PE industry. Rest assured that the PE industry is large, so with your skills, knowledge and capability, you will surely secure a job. To those who have already started working, I hope you will push further and adapt because there will be constant changes, whether it is caused by a pandemic or other factors. So be willing to adapt quickly and learn to overcome your challenges along the way,” advised Dr Mathialagan. He also encouraged the graduates to register with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), especially to those who wish to obtain the IR (engineer) title. The one-hour session ended with an interactive sharing session with graduates updating their current progress in work and life.

From top left: Dr Mathialagan and PE lecturer Dr Toh Pey Yi

The topics discussed during the short meeting

From left: Dr Mathialagan with graduate Cheng Yi Sheng

The Department of Electronic Engineering organised a get-together session with the graduates on 14 August 2020 via Microsoft Teams. Members of the department present at the online event were FEGT Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Yap Vooi Voon, HoD Assoc Prof Ir Dr Teh Peh Chiong, Master of Engineering (Electronic Systems) Programme Head Ts Dr Humaira Nisar, academics, graduates and staff. They congratulated the graduates for their achievement and success and wished them best wishes.

The interactive sharing session also saw the lecturers giving their advice to the graduates and providing updates on the department. Although the graduates were camera-shy, they also shared their feedback and current experience, while also updating their current employment progress.

Screenshot of the sharing session

The Department of Industrial Engineering held their e-convo celebration on 14 August 2020 via Microsoft Teams. It kick-started with a speech from HoD Ir Dr Tshai Kim Hoe @ Chai Kim Hoe.

“Congratulations graduate on your successful completion of studies despite the challenges faced. In the end, you have completed this part of the journey with great achievements and beautiful memories. I hope we have prepared you well for the greater challenge ahead and nurtured you well to build a strong foundation for your next level. You have indeed achieved this great milestone with honour and integrity. Today I am honoured to say we are proud of your achievements, and the time we spent together will remain in our heart. Your achievements are an inspiration to others and you have left a good legacy for your juniors to follow. As you leave the university to explore your next phase, some challenges will test you, but I believe with your skills and knowledge, you will surely overcome the challenges,” said Ir Dr Tshai@Chai.

After that, an interactive sharing session was held among the graduates and lecturers. The graduates expressed their gratitude to their lecturers and shared the good times they had with their friends. Apart from sharing their experiences during their studies, the graduates also updated the department on their latest progress in life and matters relating to their employment.

Ts Dr Tshai@Chai (bottom, right corner) delivering his speech

Screenshots of graduates during the sharing session

Faculty of Business and Finance

The Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) organised their celebratory e-convo event via Microsoft Teams on 14 August 2020. Present at the online event were Dean Dr Au Yong Hui Nee, Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Choong Yuen Onn, Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Peter Tan Sin Howe, Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Yew King Tak, Department of Marketing Head Choy Johnn Yee, Department of Finance Head Dr Kuah Yoke Chin, Department of Entrepreneurship Head Ng Yin Kuan, Department of Commerce & Accountancy Head Sonia Johanthan, Department of Business Head Tee Chee Wee, Department of Economics Head Thavamalar Ganapathy, Head of Programme for MBA(Corporate Management) Dr Ahmad Nazri bin Wahidudin and Head of Postgraduate Programmes Dr Khor Saw Chin. It kick-started with a congratulatory speech and well wishes from Dr Au Yong, followed by pre-recorded congratulatory messages from deputy deans and HoDs.

Pre-recorded congratulatory messages from (clockwise, from top left) Dr Au Yong, Tan, Dr Choong, Yew, Tee, Dr Ahmad, Choy, Thavamalar, Ng and Dr Kuah

The highlight of the event was the sharing session by invited speakers namely, FBF senior lecturer Ng Yen Hong and industry advisors CEO of Globetronics Technology Bhd Dato’ Heng Huck Lee, Vice President of Finance, Global Business Services of Jabil Circuit Inc Kim Chin Kuang, Fuji Electric (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Executive Director Chong Nee Hwa, and Dell Global Business Center Sdn Bhd Vice President of Sales Operation Corina Tan Yoke Ching.

Clockwise, from top left: Tan, Choy, Ng, Dato’ Heng, Kim and Dr Au Yong during the sharing session

First to share was Ng, who reminded graduates to be proactive in learning new skills and knowledge, which will help them in creating their own competitive advantage. Sharing her experience, she also advised the graduates to use the available vast resources to learn continuously.

Dato’ Heng’s sharing, titled “Covid-19 Disruption in Malaysia’s Technology Industry and Moving Forward”, provided an update to graduates of the latest changes happening in the industry. As he shared, he reminded the graduates that changes are still occurring within the industry due to the covid-19 pandemic. However, he reminded graduates to search for opportunities and adapt with the constant changes.

On future-proofing talent, Kim mentioned that skills are shifting and there is a need for graduates to upskill. He also mentioned that the industry is continuously looking for right talents to join the companies because the right employees are an asset to the company. He also encouraged graduates to commit to lifelong learning and advised them to stay curious, keep learning and find the right company that will nurture their talent.

He added, “Build a foundation for learning, select a process for forward-looking, stay true to yourself and don’t settle for less, push your boundaries, serve others, lean on those who love you and appreciate them, and lastly, follow your heart. Leverage the strength of your family and friends.”

Chong also enlightened everyone on how his company coped with the Covid-19 pandemic and the changes that took place to overcome the challenges caused by the pandemic. He later provided some key factors for the graduates to consider while preparing for the new job market.

“Be proactive in continuous learning because learning creates value. You must also set your career goals and prioritise challenges so that you can focus on what matters most. Changes are bound to happen and it has been occurring constantly, so accept and stay relevant to the current development. Be agile as you will be expected to have the ability to multitask; that is also needed for you to navigate the changes taking place in the industry. You must also value the importance of teamwork because you want to create a win-win situation and it will prepare you to make contributions in the right areas. Lastly, do take good care of your health— physically, mentally and emotionally so that you are always prepared,” advised Chong.

Tan encouraged graduates to stay happy and positive despite the pandemic that has brought forth employment challenges for fresh graduates. “Challenges will test you, but you will overcome the challenges and become stronger,” encouraged Tan. She also reminded graduates to thank their parents for their love and support. She also said that they should be proud of their achievements.

On ensuring success, she advised graduates, “A - have a good attitude, which includes being punctual, staying positive and knowing when to remove yourself from a negative zone. B stands for believing yourself and knowing that you can do it. C stands for challenge; to challenge yourself for continuous improvement and to stay relevant. This will also include the need for you to step out of your comfort zone. Lastly, “D” which stands for development. Continue to develop yourself and make changes. Push yourself to learn more and inspire others.”

Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) organised a “Class of 2020 E-convo Career Sharing Session” on 15 August 2020 via Microsoft Teams. The online event was officially graced by FAS Dean Dr Lee Lai Meng.

“Congratulations graduates on this day. At this point, some of you might wonder what lies ahead, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic still rampaging in some parts of the world. However, I believe you have been well prepared for this Covid-19 pandemic as UTAR has always strived to equip students with many relevant knowledge and skills that allow you to adapt to whatever environment. This is what we call ‘holistic education’. Having said that, I am confident that all of you will do just fine in the future. Not only because I have faith in our education system, but also in you as a holistic person. Some say that the university is a miniature of the workplace or even society in general, as such, having graduated means that you are now ready for greater possibilities. Being a tech-savvy generation has been an added advantage, for more and more businesses have now moved online for greater reach and presence. UTAR will always open doors for our alumni to come back and give talks and hold workshops to improve the overall quality of education. Hopefully, you will be amongst them one day,” said Dr Lee in her speech.

Invited speakers for the career sharing session were Group General Manager of Bridges Communications Platform and General Manager of Ripples Digital Leonard Heng, Program and Content Director of Talent Basket Wong Jie Cheng, and FAS Department of Languages and Linguistics lecturer Surindar Kaur Gurmukh Singh. The sharing session was moderated by FAS lecturer Raphael Thoo Yi Xian.

“The online career session aims to celebrate graduates’ achievement, and at the same time, to prepare them for the working world. We also hope that through this session, graduates will have the opportunity to learn from the speakers and understand the required skills necessary to succeed in job-seeking and career planning,” said FAS Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Noew Hooi San.

In the first session titled “Stepping into the Future: What should You Equip Yourself With?”, Heng highlighted the importance of digitalisation and continuous learning. Taking himself as an example, Heng said, “I try to learn about different things each day, regardless if it is just basic information. To me, continuous learning is not only about getting a Master or PhD, but also about what you can learn on an everyday basis. During the MCO (Movement Control Order), I attended many courses on Coursera and always equip myself with the latest knowledge and skills on digitalisation. Digital and entrepreneurship are very important, and I encourage graduates to try reskilling themselves by attending some courses outside.”

Heng answering questions asked by graduates

He also reminded the Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations (PR) graduates to enhance their mental health as working in the PR industry is tough and stressful because clients expect them to work for 24 hours everyday. “It is important to de-stress yourself with things that will make you happy. It is also good to get some support from people you could trust and who will support you in whatever you do,” advised Heng.

He added, “When looking for a job, find a good organisation that will nurture your skills and talents, rather than organisations that can pay better. This is because you want to look for a right leader that can lead and teach you along the way as you work. Importantly, look for an organisation that you can grow individually and grow together with the organisation.” In view of the Covid-19 pandemic and graduates who failed to secure a job in this crisis, Heng also encouraged and advised them to change their mindset of only wanting to secure jobs in big or international organisations. He pointed out that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have received financial support from the government, so it would also be a good opportunity for graduates to explore job seeking with these SMEs to gain work experiences.
In the second session titled “Virtual Office Hour”, Wong enlightened graduates on the digital era.  “The business world is constantly changing, and many jobs have been created because of digitalisation and technology. For instance, hotels used to dominate the hospitality industry, but now, we see company like Airbnb, which proves that providing hospitality services does not require one to own properties. Another example is the rising of new positions, such as social media manager, where in the past is not something we would have been familiar with,” explained Wong.

Wong encouraging graduates to do research when they search for a job

She also advised graduates, “Do research when you search for jobs, so you will know the current salary range and how much salary you would like to ask for. Although some companies state positions that require high criteria, be confident and apply for that job. Sometimes, these criteria are stated to help the company find the right candidate, but remember that no one is perfect, so you may actually be the right person they are looking for.”

The third session with Surindar, on “Preparedness for Working Life”, saw graduates learning the main points required for writing a resume. The points she mentioned were, short and straight-to-the-point; limit the resume into one or two pages; mention relevant aspects of work experience and skills to the job one is applying for and highlight the specific contributions one may have made.

“Aggressively promote yourself when you write your resume because you want to appear confident from your resume, so you can be highly considered. If you fail to secure an ideal job or a full-time job, you can consider finding a part-time job to gather working experience and acquire new skills. These things will add value to your job-seeking opportunities,” advised Surindar.

From left: Wong, Heng and Surindar (bottom corner right) discussing with graduates on employment

The event ended with an interactive Q&A session and a discussion among the speakers and graduates.

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) organised their e-Convo ceremony on 15 August 2020 via Zoom. The ceremony aimed to provide the FICT graduates with a memorable graduation experience.

FICT Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Choo Peng Yin was the host for the e-ceremony. The ceremony kick-started with a sharing session by the graduates on their journey at FICT, UTAR and Kampar, and their current employment progress.

Dr Choo congratulating the FICT graduates

The graduates sharing their study journeys at UTAR

Dr Liew encouraging the graduates to adapt all possible challenges in life with an optimistic mindset

In his welcome remarks, FICT Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Liew Soung Yue expressed his appreciation to the organising committee and his heartiest congratulations to the graduates. He advised, “Graduation is the beginning of a new journey and I hope the graduates can adapt to all possible challenges in life with an optimistic mindset and receive support from their loved ones during difficult times. Be a good role model for the people and always remember to work hard, although it may take time and effort to pursue it. More importantly, FICT would always welcome its alumni to come back to share their success stories and experiences with the juniors.”

One of the main highlights for the e-ceremony was the graduates’ TikTok Video Competition, which received an enthusiastic response from the FICT graduates. The graduates’ TikTok videos were played during the e-Scroll session. FICT graduates and staff participated to vote for the top three most popular TikTok videos.

The top three winners are (to view the full list of winners click here):

First Place: Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) student Lee Ying Hui

Lee’s TikTok video

Second Place: Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) Computer Engineering student Cheng Boon Hua

Cheng’s TikTok video

Third Place: Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) student Tan Sze Mei

Tan’s TikTok video

Dr Choo explaining about the Tik Tok Video Competition

FICT’s graduates delivering their appreciation messages through the e-Scroll session

FICT e-Convo Committee congratulating the graduates

Faculty of Science

The e-convo event for the Faculty of Science (FSc) was titled “A Sharing Session with Alumni”. It was organised on 15 August 2020 via Microsoft Teams. The event aimed to provide graduates with some insights on working and studying overseas.  

Invited to deliver the talks were former Assistant Hatchery Manager of Blubridge Inc. in Maldives Sashwinie Murali, Sales Coordinator of Shimano (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Liew Pei Yi, Scientific Associate of University Hospital Würzburg in Germany Chan Szn Yi and Remote Technical Engineer of Agilent Technologies (Sales) Pte. Ltd in Singapore Tan Poh Suan. The event was moderated by FSc lecturer Ho Lai Yee.

Sashwinie, who is currently pursuing Master of Science at UTAR under Aquaculture Nutrition, shared her experience of working as an assistant hatchery manager at Blubridge Inc. in Maldives for one and a half years. “Language barrier was one of my biggest challenges as my teammates could not understand what I was trying to say. Due to this problem, I could not complete some projects and assignments smoothly. So, I taught my teammates some useful simple English words and sentences to overcome this communication difficulty. I also had to learn their local language,” recalled Sashwinie.

She advised, “Based on my experience, if you are looking to pursue a job overseas, it is important that you learn about the country’s language and culture before you get there. This would be useful to prevent culture shock and for you to easily communicate with the locals over there.”

A photo of Sashwinie conducting a study tour for school children in the Maldives

Some photos shared by Sashwinie while she was in the Maldives

Liew, on the other hand, shared her experience of working in Singapore. She explained that Malaysia and Singapore have a very similar culture, and that Singapore’s public transportation was more convenient.

“In Singapore, the majority of people use public transport. Hence, it is very easy to travel from one point to the other, whereas in Malaysia, most people have their own vehicles to travel. Apart from that, my experience in Singapore has taught me some essential skills required by graduates to secure a job. The essential skills are creative problem-solving, teamwork, analytical thinking, communication, adaptability, time management as well as emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills,” advised Liew.

Chan, who is currently furthering her studies in Würzburg, Germany, also shared her current experience. “I am pursuing my master’s study in Germany and it is free. I do not need to pay for my school fee, except for utilities and living expenses. My master’s programme is a mixed-mode research programme and the duration is exactly the same with undergraduate programmes offered in Malaysia. My last year would be the practical year, which I am looking forward to,” said Chan.

She added, “From what I observed, I noticed that the postgraduate students in Germany are quite independent. The lecturer would not provide us with any lecture slides. We only listen to the lecture in class and make our own notes; jotting down the important points. The textbooks are an important source for us to self-study and it is where we get the necessary knowledge from. So students here are very much independent. So you must be disciplined in your studies and manage your time well.” She also mentioned that the working culture in Germany sees people working only during the designated working hours, and very little of them does overtime at work.

Chan sharing her study life in Würzburg, Germany

Chan sharing photos of the sunset city views in Würzburg

Chan informing graduates that Schweinshaxe (left) is one of the famous foods in German

The last sharing session was conducted by Tan, a former Biotechnology student from UTAR. “It is a very different lifestyle here in Singapore. Everything moves faster and the responses are faster too. The employers here demand employees to be highly efficient and when liaising with various departments, one must be ready to respond speedily. However, there are also many social events organised by the company to help employees have fun and de-stress. Some of the events that I have participated are “Dinner and Dance”, “Culture Day” and “Fruit Festival”. Apart from that, we also have day trips, birthday celebrations and team-building travels to neighbouring countries,” said Tan.

Tan showing photos of events and activities organised by her company

Tan also pointed out some of the challenges she faced while working overseas. “There are times when I miss spending time with my family. So if you really want to work overseas, you have to be prepared to be independent and adapt to the place you will live in. To overcome homesick, I would engage in health-related activities to strengthen my physical and mental health. It is also important that you step out of your comfort zone, and be prepared to face the challenges that will come in your way. There is always a balance point behind every decision. I learnt that, in the process of gaining something, I also lose some things, but we only live once, so if we remain in our comfort zone, we might miss out the many good opportunities. So step out of your comfort zone. Be confident and explore the opportunities presented to you, and make wise decisions,” advised Tan.

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