University and industry partners congratulate UTAR 2020 graduates

UTAR held its first e-Convocation ceremony live on YouTube at 11 am on 15 August 2020 to celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2020. The ceremony aimed to create special memories for UTAR graduates and their families and give them a reason to celebrate and be joyful of their achievements, despite the pandemic and the postponement of the physical convocation ceremony.

With the intention to celebrate the occasion together, the ceremony saw university partners, industry partners, special guest (international singer and songwriter), faculty members, alumni, students and university management coming together to put up a brilliant coordinated event for the UTAR graduates.

The occasion also witnessed UTAR industry partners, namely Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH) and Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), Vitrox Corporation Berhad,, Infineon Technologies Kulim Sdn Bhd, Huawei Technologies Malaysia and Yayasan KRU congratulating the graduates.

Prof Way Kuo is pleased to greet the graduates

CityU President Prof Way Kuo said, “It is a pleasure to e-greet you today to celebrate the 2020 UTAR e-Convocation. It has been a challenging time around the world for the past six months or so, with the pandemic affecting us in unprecedented ways. This makes your graduation today even more important because you have become a new force to contribute to society. I would like to extend my sincere blessing to everyone. Best wishes for a truly special future.”

Jenny Su congratulating the graduates

NCKU President Huey-Jen Jenny Su said, “On this auspicious moment, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your very well deserved accomplishments. Let it also be noted that this will be only the first of your many more proud and successful moments in the years to come.” 

Prof Wolfgang wishing graduates all the very best for their future career

OTH President Prof Dr Wolfgang Baier expressed, “It’s my great pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation. As the main objective of the university, we do not only educate young people academically, but also make them become a valuable member of the society.  You have made a great choice to get your education from UTAR. On behalf of OTH, I wish you all the best for your future and professional career.”

Prof Kiyoshi extending his heartfelt congratulations to the graduates

Aoyama Gakuin University Dean of School of Global Studies and Collaboration (GSC) Prof Dr Kiyoshi Masumoto enthused, “On behalf of Gakuin University, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your graduation from Japan. AGU would like to wish the graduates all the very best for their bright future and I sincerely hope that there will be an expansion in our collaboration with UTAR.”

Guan hope the graduates will continue to carry forward university’s motto which is “Transforming Lives, Broadening Horizons”

BJTU Vice President Guan Zhongliang said, “On behalf of Beijing Jiaotong University, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to UTAR 2020 graduates. I hope all of you would carry forward your university motto which is “Transforming Lives, Broadening Horizons”. Lastly, I also wish the friendship between China and Malaysia would last forever. Thank you."

Chu urging graduates to do meaningful things that would bring goodness to people around them

Vitrox Corporation Berhad CEO and Managing Director Chu Jenn Weng congratulated the graduates and shared some life tips, “Congratulations to the graduating batch of 2020, family and friends. In life, all of us have goals to achieve, but success will only be obtained when preparation meets opportunity. Hence, always keep an open mind and put 100% effort in whatever you do and never stop learning! This will get you well prepared and you will be able to grab the opportunities that arise along your journey of life. Happiness does not necessarily come from chasing after the dollar bill; happiness takes place when we do meaningful things that bring goodness to people around us. So, be kind and compassionate. Remember to give and serve without asking for any return; you will be surprised when you truly do. Again, congratulations on your achievement and it is truly my joy to share this special day with you.”

Gan encouraging graduates to develop their soft skills Country Manager Gan Bock Herm said, “First of all, congratulations on your achievement and success after many years of hard work. You have finally reached the endpoint of your university journey and today we celebrate this day together. The environment, these days, proves to be very challenging especially for the fresh graduates. Hence, it is important that you are well equipped with knowledge as you start your career search. I would like to advise you to keep your options open and learn to be more adaptable. Don’t turn down the opportunities that come along your way. Also, continue to learn and focus more on developing your soft skills. Lastly, stay true to yourself; follow your true north compass on how you wish to proceed in life.”

Ng advising graduates to practise good work ethics

Infineon Technology Kulim Sdn Bhd President and Managing Director Ng Kok Tiong shared, “Congratulations! You have reached a significant milestone in your life. This has been a very difficult year indeed. In times like this, we must resolve to take control of our lives. Noting ahead, there will be fewer jobs out there. So, I would like the graduates to bear two things in mind; firstly, focus on gaining experience and do not wait for the perfect job. Secondly, do your work with a positive attitude and practise good work ethics; this will help you build a good character. Coming from the industry, these are the qualities I expect to see during the interview. Dear graduates, do not be engulfed by the pandemic. You represent the pioneer of the post-COVID world. Believe that the market will recover and jobs will return. So, make full use of the opportunity to prepare yourself. With that, I wish you all the best.”

Fudan encouraging graduates to build an intelligent world

Huawei Technologies Malaysia Human Resource Director Fudan said, “Congratulations to all the graduates. You are now free from lectures, assignments, quizzes and exams. The new norm under COVID -19 has made us all become students again. We are now learning to adapt to this new normal. Your education in UTAR has given you the tools to thrive in your new career life. I believe you will be contributing to the development of your country, home and your community. My best wishes for your future! Together we will build an intelligent world.”

Dato’ Norman wishing graduates best of luck for their future plans

Yayasan KRU President Dato’ Norman Abdul Halim said, “Congratulations to all the UTAR graduates of 2020. I would like to wish all of you the best of luck in your future plans after graduation. Stay strong, stay focused and work hard for your success. Congratulations once again, stay safe and stay healthy.”

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