Basketball Coach Goh Cheng Huat brings years of experience to court

The Department of Student Affairs of Sport and Recreation Unit organised a basketball training programme for UTAR Basketball Team at SJK (C) Han Ming, Selangor on 19 February 2020. Invited to conduct the training programme was ex-national basketball coach Goh Cheng Huat, also famously known as Coach Goh. The training session saw the participation of 21 players. The session aimed to improve the physical coordination and basketball gaming skills among the 21 players.

Coach Goh (far right) with 21 UTAR Basketball Team players

Coach Goh has more than 30 years of experience in coaching. He had served as the head coach for Malaysia’s national basketball team from 2009 to 2011. In 2016, he once again became the national head coach and served that position for two years. After that, Coach Goh returned to teach as a normal coach and was hired by the Melaka state government to train the men’s team for Agong’s Cup.

Coach Goh briefing the team

The training programme began with a warm-up session and assignments briefing by Coach Goh. Coach Goh demonstrated some essential skills and techniques to play basketball while the team paid close attention. The team players were then given some time to train themselves based on guided skills and techniques. During the training session, they learnt how to improve their physical, tactical and psychological skills for future university and open basketball competitions.

The training programme ended with a souvenir presentation ceremony. A token of appreciation was presented to Coach Goh for his willingness and effort to coach and teach the participants.

Coach Goh (front row, fourth from left) receiving a token of appreciation from DSA Assistant Manager Yip Mun Hong (front row, third from left)

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