BMMB donates another RM400,000 to UTAR students

Prof Ewe (left) and Teacher Ling Shan with the signed documents

“UTAR JinBodhi Bursary Online Deed of Donation Signing Ceremony 2020” was held on 22 May 2020 between UTAR and Bodhi Meditation Malaysia Berhad (BMMB) via GoToMeeting platform. The ceremony was held as an appreciation towards BMMB for their donation of RM400,000 to UTAR students for the year 2020.

Signing the deed of donation were UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat and BMMB Teacher Ling Shan while witnessing the signing were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong and BMMB Sister Fu Han. Also present at the online signing ceremony were Vice Chairman of the Board of BMMB Brother Xu Te, other committee members of BMMB, UTAR Registrar Yim Lin Heng, Division of Examinations, Awards and Scholarships Director Nik Zaitun binti Nik Salleh, scholarship recipients and UTAR staff.

From left: Prof Ewe, Prof Choong, Teacher Ling Shan and Sister Fu Han during the mock cheque presentation ceremony

Prof Ewe said, “Your kind donation to support our students is highly appreciated as this financial aid provide the means for our needy students to continue their education in the university and hopefully improve the livelihood of their family later on when they graduate and work. This bursary not only recognises their academic efforts and achievements but also motivates the students to excel further.”

“I hope that they will remember this generosity and aim to return this generosity in the future to those who may need such similar assistance. I would like to thank the recipients who are sharing their experiences with us today online and I wish them all the best in their studies,” added Prof Ewe.

Previously, in 2018, 54 students received a total amount of more than a million ringgit in financial assistance; and in 2019, more than RM800,000 was given to 46 students. Eight students from the October 2019 batch received ‘2019 JinBodhi Subsidy Award’ amounting to RM126,870.

Teacher Ling Shan expressed his gratitude to join hands with UTAR for providing financial aid to needy students. He said, “This year’s ceremony is different from the past. It is the first-ever virtual ceremony and I feel glad that we are still able to continue this charity work even during the Coronavirus outbreak.”

He also said, “The Coronavirus pandemic around the world has affected all the industries. It has made all walks of life fall into a low tide. However, the pandemic has not stopped BMMB from devoting to help the needy.” He added that, since the implementation of the Movement Control Order, BMMB has upheld the principle of putting people first and has actively offered their support and assistance to hospitals, law enforcement unit, poor and vulnerable groups.

According to Teacher Ling, this is the fourth consecutive year that BMMB has provided financial assistance to UTAR students. As of 2020, the total funding has reached approximately RM2.36 million, where the number of beneficiary student is 126. Eight students have successfully completed their studies.

From left: Chang, Lee and Ooi during the sharing session

“My father is the breadwinner in our family. However, after he went through a surgery, we were faced with financial burdens. I am grateful to be selected as one of the recipients to receive the bursary as it helps me in covering my tuition fees and allows me to focus on learning and be active in activities held in the university instead of being stressed about the financial matters. I would like to thank BMMB for this and I hope other students who are in need will also receive this bursary,” said Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Financial Economics student Chang Ling.

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting student Ooi Jia Liang shared that the bursary had enabled him to continue his studies and relieved his parents’ burden. His father is working as a farmer and his mother is a housewife. Due to the changes in the weather, his father’s income was unstable. Ooi felt lucky and grateful to be able to get the financial assistance to pay his tuition fees and living expenses. “With the help of the bursary, I could focus more on my studies and participate in extracurricular activities to know more friends and enjoy my university life,” he said. “Words cannot express how grateful I am for the help and support that have given to me. I will study hard to enhance my abilities so that I would also be able to help the needy,” he added.

Lee Qian Yu who is currently pursuing Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting said, “My mother was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Previously, I had to work part-time to support my expenses. I am grateful to receive this bursary from BMMB as it lightens my family’s financial burden. Also, I can focus on studying and spending time with my family. In the future, I would like to use the knowledge I’ve gained at the University to contribute back to the society.”

Online group photography among UTAR staff, BMMB members and bursary recipients

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