UTAR students donate funds for UTAR Hospital
The UTAR Hospital received a donation of RM16,131.90 from a group of students of Kampar Campus on 07 October 2020 at the closing ceremony of “Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Run 2020”.
Representing the organising committee of “Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Run 2020” in presenting the mock cheque to UTAR were Organising Chairperson Amrit Singh Balleh and President of Lions Club of Ipoh Midtown Lloyd Pan Choon Weng. The mock cheque was received by UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong.
Thanking both the students and Lions Club of Ipoh Midtown for their noble effort in raising the funds for UTAR Hospital Project, Prof Choong enthused, “The UTAR Hospital project is a continuous effort of UTAR in contributing to the community’s well-being. The self-sustaining and not-for-profit hospital will provide affordable medical services to the community.” He added, “A big thank you to the members of the MPU34132 Management of Sports Activity for donating a total of RM16,131.90 to the UTAR Hospital. The University deeply appreciates the effort put in by each and every member in raising these funds by organising the event “Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Run 2020” together with Lions Club of Ipoh Midtown. I am proud of your collective efforts in raising the amount for the benefits of the community.” Prof Choong also thanked the Department of Soft Skills Competency of Kampar Campus (DSSC) for guiding the students of MPU34132 Management of Sports Activity for the past two months to make this event a success.
Amrit in his speech said, “We are indeed honoured to be part of this project and be able to contribute back to our University as well as the community. This is not possible without the hard work from all the organising committee members. Thank you all for being supportive in organising this benevolent project from the beginning.” He added, “The amount was collected from the profit of “Beyond Boundaries – Virtual Run 2020”. We also would like to thank our co-organiser Lions Club of Ipoh Midtown for being part of this project and contributing back to the community.”
Jointly organised by the students of the MPU34132 Management of Sports Activity together with Lions Club of Ipoh Midtown, the virtual run aimed to create a platform for UTAR students as well as the members of the public to connect virtually during the pandemic as well as to raise funds for the UTAR Hospital. The event was held via a virtual platform from 3 August to 23 August 2020 and it was supported by DSSC, Department of Student Affairs (DSA) and Urbax Sdn Bhd. The students were led by DSSC lecturer Fong Kah Hoong.
Also present at the simple closing ceremony of the virtual run were Head of DSSC Kampar Hee Chwen Yee, Head of DSA Kampar Chiang Jeng Fong, sponsors and UTAR staff and students.
Pan (far right) presenting the mock cheque to Prof Choong (left), witnessed by Amrit (middle)
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