SRC 2020/21 passes the baton to the next batch
The handover ceremony of Student Representative Council (SRC) from the 2020/21 batch to the new SRC 2021/22 batch of both Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses were held on 4 August 2021 via Microsoft Teams. The online ceremony received a total of 100 attendances.
The ceremony was organised by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA). It aimed to officially welcome the SRC members of session 2021/22 and accord recognition for the work of 2020/21 SRC members. In conjunction with the ceremony, a student award presentation was also held at the same time.
Present to witness the ceremony were UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations (SDAR) Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, UTAR Registrar Yim Lin Heng, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) Deputy Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Lee Kim Yee, Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) Deputy Dean Yew King Tak, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) Deputy Dean Dr Tan Kok Tat, Director of Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Sungai Long Campus Melissa Stefanie Netto, Director of Corporate Communication and Public Relations (DCCPR) Ong Soo Weon, DSA of Sungai Long Campus Head Loh Nyuk Leung, DSA of Kampar Campus Head Chiang Jeng Fong and Advisor of Sungai Long Chinese Language Society Ooi Ciat Hui.
Prof Ewe expressing his sincere appreciation to all the outgoing SRC members
Expressing his gratitude to all the outgoing SRC members, UTAR President Prof Ewe said, “Thank you for your devotion and commitment towards your tasks and responsibilities throughout the year, especially during this challenging year with the Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout this year, we have been able to communicate and discuss many matters and we appreciate all the constructive suggestions and feedback given so that we can improve the university and assist the students during this online teaching and learning period. On behalf of the university, I express my utmost appreciation to the outgoing SRC members for all your effort and teamwork and everything you have done for the students and the University.”
He added, “I would like to congratulate and welcome the newly-elected SRC members. I am so glad to see that you are already displaying the readiness and determination to not only continue the legacy left behind by your seniors, but also your commitment in supporting the University’s initiatives. Although we are now facing a pandemic, which has brought on us new challenges, it also came with new opportunities, which I believe will uphold your duties as a team to serve our UTAR students.”
Prof Ewe also emphasised the importance of the SRC members to abide by UTAR rules and regulations. “As a team, it is important to work together and communicate with the University regularly, and act in accordance with UTAR’s student code of conduct and abide by the UTAR’s rules and regulations. Keep abreast of the SRC’s objectives and perform your duty with responsibility and empathy to encourage and promote intellectual, spiritual, and emotional as well as personal development among students. As the University nurtures you with the principle by the people, for the people, I also hope you will continuously serve and contribute to the society in any way possible,” he added.
Congratulating the achievements of the award recipients, Prof Ewe added that they have become inspirational role models to other students and the University is very proud of them. In addition, he also hopes they will take this achievement as a motivation to continue learning and continue excelling.
Among the awards presented during the student award presentation were The Best Student Leader Award, The Most Talented UTARian Award, Sportsperson of the Year Award, Best Club & Society Award (Course-based Society) and Best Club & Society Award (Non-course-based Society).
Ho Sin Ni from ICS (Kampar Campus) won the Best Student Leader Award
Queenie Lim Jia Yinn from CFS (Kampar Campus) won the Most Talented UTARian Award
Sportsperson of the Year Award went to Ng Yong Quan from LKC FES
The Best Society Award (Course-based) was won by the Medical and Health Sciences Society of Sungai Long Campus
Best Society Award (Non-course-based Society) went to the Chinese Language Society of Sungai Long Campus
SRC Chairpersons Ng (left) and Koh (right) expressing their gratitude to UTAR
Thanking UTAR for giving the platform to be part of the SRC team, Kampar Campus 2020/21 SRC Chairperson Ng Ke Long said, “It has been a challenging yet fruitful journey as a leader for the SRC. We had gone through ups and downs and experienced joys and sorrows together. Due to the pandemic, most of us had to perform our duties online throughout the year and faced a lot of unexpected situations, but it is undeniable that this has become our new norm. The pandemic should not be an excuse for us to stop trying something new, but it must be a factor to be resilient while adapting to these new changes.”
He also mentioned that despite the journey being full of trials and errors, the outcomes and experiences they gained were worth the while. “I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my team. Although we are from different races and cultures, we were able to work together and promote a diverse atmosphere. All the tasks would have not run smoothly without your good effort and teamwork. Serving the students is not an easy task, but it has motivated all of us to perform our duties and strive for students’ rights, welfares and benefits together. Also, I would like to express my thankfulness to every UTARians who believed in us and supported us,” he added.
SRC 2020/21 Kampar Campus group photograph
SRC 2020/21 Sungai Long Campus group photograph
The event was followed by the handover ceremony and group photograph session.
The new members of SRC 2021/22 (Kampar Campus)
The new members of SRC 2021/22 (Sungai Long Campus)
A group photograph at the end of the session
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