Congratulatory messages from university and industry partners for graduates of August 2021 class

UTAR’s third e-Convocation went live on YouTube at 10.30am on 21 August 2021. Besides celebrating the graduation of its 2,630 graduates, it also saluted the contributions of staff, students, alumni and partners. To celebrate the occasion together, the ceremony saw university partners, industry partners, special guest, faculty members, alumni, students and university management coming together to deliver heartwarming messages to the graduates.

Among UTAR’s university and industry partners were Chairman of University Alliance in Talent Education and Development (UAiTED), Academician, Distinguished research Fellow and Chair Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Linguistic Institute, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Prof Dr Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng; President of the University of Limerick Prof Kerstin Mey; President of Beijing University of Chemical Technology Prof Tan Tianwei, Pro-Vice Chancellor (interim) Liverpool John Moores University Prof Dr Sr Michael Lee Riley; Director of CourseNetworking Asia Pacific Yong Mien Dee and Chairman of Pentamaster Corporation Bhd Chuah Choon Bin.

The messages below were given by the university partners and industry partners.

Prof Dr Ovid Jyh-Lang Tzeng congratulated the graduates and said, “I would like to thank all the graduates, parents, alumni, family members and administrative staff of UTAR for participating in this very special graduation ceremony. The world has changed and it will continue to change in a fast way. Undoubtedly, education has helped us to live more prosperously and securely with longer life expectancy than ever. We are now enjoying a variety of vibrant societies with civil liberties. However, the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic has taught us a lesson. There will always be difficulties but we need to solve the problems to meet the expected or unexpected challenges that come in our way. Your college education will help you to develop potential for building institution and technology that will reshape the way you live. You are obligated to invent the future for yourself and the world. I wish you a very healthy, happy and productive life in the future.”

Prof Kerstin Mey said, “Many congratulations to UTAR class of 2021. UTAR and UL are proud partners. We were delighted to share the experiences of Ireland and Malaysia during the recent Mallaganes World Study Tour. We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours. Indeed, may the luck of the Irish be with you. All the very best.”

Prof Tan Tianwei said, “Warm greetings to all UTAR graduates. I am the president of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). On behalf of BUCT, I offer my sincere congratulations to all graduates. Malaysia’s relationship with China is long-standing. BUCT and UTAR have had exchanges and collaborations for many years. We welcome you to visit China and pursue your studies in BUCT. You can learn Chinese culture and professional knowledge and actively contribute to the cooperation between BUCT and UTAR. You can also strive to become ambassadors for China and Malaysia. Let us work together to strengthen people-to-people ties and build a community with a shared future for mankind.”

Prof Dr Sr Michael Lee Riley said, “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the graduates and students from UTAR on the occasion of their convocation. In this most challenging time, you have done exceptionally well to complete your programmes of study and I hope that you will be rewarded with fruitful career in whatever path you may choose. Best wishes and congratulations once again on this glorious occasion of your convocation. Best wishes from Liverpool.”

Yong Mien Dee said, “I would like to wish the graduation class of 2021 a very big congratulations. You have stayed focused in this pandemic to make sure you reach your final goal— your graduation. Congratulations also to the President of UTAR, lecturers, teachers, friends, parents and family members who have supported the students in making sure they reach this important milestone. In the time of crisis, there will always be an opportunity. So when you reach out there to get a job, to search for the best internship or opportunities, seek for the best and always continue to learn. Learning never ends. I’m still learning till this day as well. So I wish all of you the very best in all your endeavours and a very big congratulations once again.”

Chuah Choon Bin said, “A very good day to all of you. I am truly honoured to be among you today especially since UTAR is one of the best universities in Malaysia. My big congratulations to graduates of class 2021. After today, some of you may continue to pursue postgraduate degree while others may step into society to start your working life. There are three important pointers that I would like to share with the graduates. First, you need to be technology or digital focused. The industries in the world are going to be revolved around digital; there is going to AI, machine learning, blockchain and internet of things. Graduates, be prepared for changes that you and your parents have never seen before. If you want to stay in the game, you need to keep re-skilling yourself and remain digital focused. The second pointer will be— developing soft skills. As the world gets more connected globally, having soft skills that revolve around cultural, emotional and social intelligence, will become the important aspect of most careers. These skills are essential as you need to communicate with various people from around the world. The third important point is to know yourself and what you want. To be able to do well in a career, you need to know who you are, your purpose in the workplace, and the value that you can bring to the organisation. This will help you to enjoy your working life, achieve your aspiration and add value to your organisation. Lastly, to all the graduates, congratulations on reaching this important milestone in your life. I wish you every success in your future career.”

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