UTAR welcomes newly appointed UTARambassadors

The first UALP Appreciation and Appointment Ceremony was held online to thank UTARambassadors for their efforts as well as to welcome newly appointed UTARambassadors

UTAR welcomed 24 newly appointed UTARambassadors this year in the Inaugural UTARambassador Leadership Programme (UALP) Appreciation and Appointment Ceremony. The ceremony, held on 30 January 2021, also aimed to thank UTARambassadors for their efforts and contributions toward the University. 

This was the first UALP Appreciation and Appointment Ceremony since the establishment of the programme. The ceremony was held online via Zoom. It included a welcome speech from UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat and a sharing session featuring UTARambassadors from different batches. 

Prof Ewe expressing his welcome to the newly appointed UTARambassadors

“As UTARambassadors, while it is important to keep up good practices in upholding leadership, responsibilities, discipline and teamwork among the members, it is also important to ensure that you continue to study well and enjoy a good university experience. The journey you have undertaken as UTARambassadors provides you with the leadership, interpersonal skills and communication learning experiences. You have opportunities to meet and greet people and communicate with them as leaders of the student community. You should take pride in your responsibilities and view this as part of self-development,” said Prof Ewe in his remarks.

He highlighted the importance of self-development and said, “As mentioned by the World Economic Forum, it is very important to develop other skills and competencies besides the professional knowledge and skills that you have. For instance, the four C's—creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.”

He also expressed his appreciation to the UTARambassadors for their commitment, their time and their diligence throughout their tenure as ambassadors. “I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our newly appointed UTARambassadors. I hope you will take some time to mingle with your seniors and take some advice from them in order for you to enjoy your role as ambassadors better,” he added. 

Chin (left) and Lee representing UTARambassdors 2020 to give a speech

During the ceremony, a speech was also given by the representative of UTARambassdors 2020 from UTAR Kampar Campus and Sungai Long Campus respectively. Chin Joey, who represented UTARambassdor from Kampar Campus, extended her gratitude to all the team members of both campuses. She said, “With the support from all of you and UTAR, we have been given various opportunities to explore and handle different responsibilities which made our student lives more meaningful. We have experienced many things, laugh and cry together through our success and failure. Our memory will not stop here, we will continue the best practice learned from UALP and move forward to be a leader of tomorrow.”

On the other hand, UTARambassdor from Sungai Long Campus Lee Chia How said, “We are grateful for the encouragement you've given us whenever we lacked confidence especially when dealing with internal and external parties. To all the newly appointed ambassador, congratulation on your appointment. We hope that you can take UALP to reach a whole new level. We are always here to support you. Also thank you UTAR for providing such a good platform for us to learn and grow.”

Moreover, UTARambassadors from different batches who were currently performing well in different industries in both Malaysia and abroad shared their achievement and testimonial with the newly appointed UTARambassadors.

Yim Jian Nam (the 5th batch of UTARambassador from Kampar Campus) hoped that the newly appointed UTARambassador can enjoy what they are doing now and strive for the best

Kho Jiat Suan (the 5th batch of UTARambassador from Kampar Campus) shared that the UALP had trained her soft skills and given her a chance to express herself and speak out more confidently

Andrea Lam Wan Yen (the 8th batch of UTARambassador from Kampar Campus) shared how UALP has benefited her by improving her communication skills and making her more confident to talk in front of people

Ariana Samantha Ng Tian Lin (the 5th batch from Sungai Long Campus) summed up her experience of being an ambassador as a good one and encouraged juniors to join the programme

Rowena Tan Mei Hwah (the 5th batch from Sungai Long Campus) shared that learning what is right and good for her was the most important and the most valuable lesson she obtained from the programme

The newly appointed UTARambassador Lim Jee Hean (the 9th batch of UTARambassador from Kampar Campus) mentioned that the programme will be a good platform to enhance her leadership skill and enrich her student life

The newly appointed UTARambassador Teh Jingmin (the 9th batch of UTARambassador from Kampar Campus) believes his experience will add value to the programme and he is also looking forward to learning from the team

Besides, the event also featured various stunning performances by UTARambassadors, showcasing their talents to spice up the ceremony. 

Stunning performances brought by Joshua Yii Zhu Hee (clockwise from top left), Presheela Perakumar, Sarvinna Vasuthevan, Sam Yuk Siong and Amaana Mohamed

Also present were Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Division of Programme Promotion Director Lee Choy Fong, Deputy Director for International Student Recruitment and Business Development Irene Wong Hong Lei, Department of Student Affairs of Sungai Long Campus Head Loh Nyuk Leung, Department of International Student Services of Sungai Long Campus Head Foo Wai Wai, Department of International Student Services of Kampar Campus Head Ngan Mun Wai, SRC representatives and staff.

Initiated in 2013, UALP is a leadership opportunity for passionate UTAR students who love to meet people and share their university experience with external audiences such as prospective students, parents, teachers and university visitors. It offers a host of opportunities to gain important skills such as leadership, teamwork, event management and communication skills.

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