Research forum between Academia Sinica and UTAR

UTAR and Academia Sinica (AS) from Taiwan jointly organised an Online Research Forum on 1 June 2021 via Webex. The forum gathered seven researchers from AS and eight researchers from UTAR.

The forum aimed to create a Malaysia-Taiwan research dialogue among the participants from the fields of Life Science, Sociology and Medical Science such as biological chemistry, applied sciences, molecular biology, biomedical science and chemistry. It also served as a platform for researchers from both sides to explore the possibilities of academic and research collaboration, such as the Sandwich Programme, guest lectures, workshops and International Collaboration Partner.

The forum began with opening remarks by AS Director Dr Meng Tzu-Ching and UTAR Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn. Dr Meng and Dr Lai introduced the researchers from both sides.

Dr Lai said, “We initiated a meeting with the Department of International Affairs (DIA) of Academia Sinica on 23 March 2021 to explore further collaboration after holding two symposium events with them in 2018 and 2019. After the meeting, we agreed that UTAR and Academia Sinica will jointly organise an Online Research Forum to allow researchers from both sides to discuss collaboration in academic and research.”

The researchers who represented AS were AS Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Fellow Dr Lin Chun-Hung, AS Institute of Chemistry Research Fellow Dr Ong Tiow-Gan, AS Institute of Chemistry Assistant Research Fellow Dr Yen Hung-Ju, AS Biomedical Translation Research Center Deputy Director-cum-AS Joint Appointment Research Fellow Dr Lin Jung-Hsin, AS Institute of Biomedical Sciences Research Fellow Dr Chen Chien-Chang, AS Institute of Molecular Biology Research Fellow Dr Chien Cheng-Ting and AS Institute of Sociology Associate Research Fellow Dr Jay Chen Chih-Jou.

UTAR was represented by Faculty of Science (FSc) Department of Chemical Science lecturer Dr Tey Lai Hock, FSc Department of Allied Health Sciences lecturer Dr Teh Lai Kuan, FSc Department of Chemical Science lecturer Dr Ooi Mei Lee, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Department of Pre-clinical Sciences lecturer Dr Lee Siew Keah, FMHS Department of Pre-clinical Sciences Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi, FMHS Department of Pre-clinical Sciences Prof Dr Lam Sau Kuen, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) Department of Computer Science lecturer Dr Tong Dong Ling and Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Assoc Prof Dr Chin Chong Foh.

Based on the research background of the researchers, six virtual rooms were set up for group discussion to identify the collaboration possibility in their research areas. The matching is shown in the table below:





Dr Lin Chun-Hung

Dr Tey Lai Hock and Dr Lee Siew Keah


Dr Ong Tiow-Gan and Dr Yen Hung-Ju

Dr Ooi Mei Lee


Dr Lin Jung-Hsin

Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi and Dr Tong Dong Ling


Dr Chen Chien-Chang

Dr Teh Lai Kuan
Prof Dr Lam Sau Kuen


Dr Chien Cheng-Ting

Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi


Dr Jay Chen Chih-Jou

Dr Chin Chong Foh

The discussion in group was fruitful, and some of the researchers mentioned that they were able to come up with a solid plan for their research to progress further. The researchers will follow up with each other through another round of discussion among themselves. On the other hand, Dr Ooi from group 2 mentioned that she will take the advice of her matching Principal Investigator, Dr Tiow-Gan Ong and Dr Hung-Ju Yen to carry out research works that are similar to their works. She hoped that they can eventually start to establish the collaboration work.

The discussion session was followed by another discussion on Sandwich Programme, guest lectures and workshops. The Sandwich Programme is a programme that will facilitate UTAR master’s students to work up to a year as Research Assistant at AS. All the AS researchers who participate in the Sandwich Programme will be nominated to be appointed as UTAR’s external co-supervisor.

While discussing about International Collaboration Partner (ICP), AS researchers were informed that they could join the UTAR Global Research Network as ICP. The ICP will serve as the advisor to UTAR on academic and research strategy plans, implementation, and other aspects. As the ICP, AS researchers can collaborate with UTAR academics and researchers for research projects that they are interested in, as well as provide advice and supervision for UTAR postgraduate students. Besides, the ICP also gets to share the sources of research funding with UTAR academics and researchers both locally and internationally. Under this programme, the ICP will be encouraged to visit UTAR for certain research-related activities, such as seminars, conferences, sabbatical attachment, short courses and research meetings.

After the Covid-19 pandemic, AS plans to organise three-day workshops at UTAR. The certificate will be issued by AS to those who complete the workshops. The workshops will provide intensive training on special topics, basic knowledge, practical research skills and hands-on courses.

Dr Meng (left photo, middle) and Dr Lai (right photo) giving their opening speech

Group photo between AS and UTAR researchers

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