Embracing a growth mindset for success

Derric Chew (third row, centre) with the participants

UTAR Department of Student Affairs (DSA) Counselling and Guidance Unit organised a webinar titled “How to be Successful Online Entrepreneur Talk” via Zoom on 2 June 2021.

Invited to deliver the webinar was Derric Chew, a self-made and successful online entrepreneur who has more than 20 years of experience in training and coaching. Derric Chew is also the author of the book “Internet Millionaire Mindset”, “Internet Millionaire Mindset 2”, “Millionaire Mindset Blueprint” and “心态值千万”.

Derric Chew during the webinar

In his talk, Derric Chew reflected on his life in primary and secondary school and discussed pivotal moments in his career. He highlighted the importance of mindset and said, “It is the most important thing that can change your life. Having the right mindset is important for your career, family and business.” He mentioned that the mindset can be divided into fixed and growth mindset, and asked the participants to sincerely determine themselves which mindset they possessed.

He presented a photo of an iceberg to describe the two levels of the mind—conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind was seen as the tip of the iceberg, however, what he emphasised was the power of the subconscious. He also shared how neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) could help one to turn negativity into positive thinking.

“New things always make you uncomfortable. However, there are ways to practise it and become comfortable,” he said, adding that one can be very powerful if they know how to handle the subconscious.

Furthermore, he shared with the participants how to change a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. He talked about “little voice”, a sort of conversation people have with themselves in their mind. He explained that some people have negative little voices in their head telling them to stop trying. He also explained that the negative little voice happens subconsciously and it goes something like, “If I fail my exam paper more than two times, then I will never pass this paper.” Therefore, he advised the participants to revamp their mindset and talk to their bad little voices with good little voices. He shared some steps on how to stop negative talk in the head and to achieve a growth mindset.

After an interactive Q&A session, the webinar ended with a group photography session and it was followed by a lucky draw of six books written and sponsored by Derric Chew.

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