China Embassy provides scholarships in aid to UTAR students

China Embassy provides scholarships in aid to UTAR students

Fifty-five UTAR Foundation and undergraduate students benefited from the China Ambassador scholarship this year

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia once again presented the China Ambassador Scholarship to UTAR students for the year 2021.

The recipients were 55 UTAR Foundation and undergraduate students consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and other races. A total of RM195,800 was disbursed by the China Embassy to the student recipients in recognition of their efforts and achievements in their studies. 

The scholarships were presented by the China Ambassador to Malaysia, Ouyang Yujing, at the Award Presentation E-ceremony 2021 which was held via Zoom on 5 November 2021.

Ouyang Yujing delivering his speech

In his remarks, Ouyang Yujing said, “As an excellent non-profit private university, UTAR not only nurtures a good number of talents, but also actively teaches Chinese culture, which definitely helps to promote educational exchanges between our two nations. UTAR has also made an outstanding contribution to deepen mutual learning between the youths. Thank you for your elaborate arrangement, which gives me an opportunity to communicate with the faculties and students face-to-face.”

He continued, “Last year, the Covid-19 outbreak has caught the world off guard, bringing all kinds of challenges to people and casting its shadow throughout students’ academic life. In face of the pandemic, China and Malaysia supported each other through thick and thin, and have extended each other a helping hand timely. I am proud to tell you that last year the bilateral trade and educational exchanges between our two countries have kept growing despite the global economic recession.”

He shared the record numbers of the bilateral trade between the two nations. “Against the backdrop of a global economic slowdown, bilateral trade between China and Malaysia rose against the trend to achieve a new high of US$131.16 billion in 2020, which increased 5.7% year-on-year. According to China’s official figures, China-Malaysia bilateral trade hit US$81.79 billion in the first half of 2021, an increase of 43.9% over the same period last year,” he said, adding that the two nations share similar development concepts.

He mentioned that the China Embassy will provide increasing opportunities for youth exchanges, dialogues, study, training and visiting. "I hope you will make good use of these opportunities to enhance mutual learning and understanding with Chinese friends, become envoys of China-Malaysia friendship, contribute to the development of China-Malaysia relations. By doing this, I believe you will make positive contributions to build a community with a shared future for mankind," said Ouyang Yujing to the recipients.

Prof Ewe thanking the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia for their kind and generous scholarships to UTAR students

On the other hand, UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat said, “We are truly thankful to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China for the continuous generous support to our students. I hope that the awards will further motivate them to perform better in their studies. In return, they could serve as inspiration and role models to other students in the university and give back to the society in future. UTAR has also been very positive and supportive of China’s initiatives and has been promoting collaborative knowledge exchange, and staff and student exchanges between the two nations. I always believe such exchange activities could enhance communication and deepen mutual understanding between our people to bring benefits to our countries.” He congratulated the 55 students who received the scholarships and urged them to continue to be diligent and conscientious in their studies. 

Also present were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, UTAR deans and staff, as well as 20 China students who are currently pursuing their tertiary education in the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Creative Industries, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Faculty of Business and Finance, and Centre for Foundation Studies.

Since 2016, over 200 UTAR students have benefited from the scholarships totalling RM750,615. The first financial aid to UTAR students by the Embassy was done in 2016, where 20 Malay students received a total of RM60,000 to fund their university tuition fees. The second and third times took place in July and November 2018, where an amount of RM72,000 and RM120,000 was disbursed to 24 and 30 UTAR students respectively. In 2019, RM120,000 was disbursed to 30 UTAR students and in 2020, RM182,815 was disbursed to 45 students as a scholarship.

Aiyub Han expressing his gratitude toward the Embassy and UTAR 

One of the recipients Aiyub Han bin Ismail who is a Foundation student comes from a family of six. In his gratitude message, he said, “With the scholarship provided, I will be able to further my studies at UTAR Kampar and take up the degree course of my choice in the near future. Due to the current pandemic going on, money has been tight for my family. This scholarship could help me solve some financial issues that my family may face during this pandemic.”

The scholarship helps to relieve Kwek and her family’s burden

Physiotherapy student Kwek Oi Yen from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences said, “The China Ambassador Scholarship has helped me by enabling me to purchase learning materials and a laptop. This will help me to study and learn better, especially during this difficult time. It also helps me and my family with our expenses. Therefore, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to His Excellency, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and UTAR President Prof Ewe for awarding me this scholarship.”

The scholarship helps Santhiya to overcome her financial worries, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic

Accounting student Santhiya Devi Ramachandran from the Faculty of Accountancy and Management said, “In my family, there are six of us altogether. I have five older sisters and four of them are married. Ever since I lost my dad, it had been really hard for my mom to raise all of us. Although the main pillar of my family isn't around anymore, I am grateful to my sisters for playing their part in maintaining a good and happy family.”

She mentioned that education is one of the most valuable and costly assets in today's world. “Thanks to this scholarship, I will have more time to study and improve my grades. It provides me with plenty of time and serenity to explore possibilities to enhance my skills and knowledge. Therefore, I'm grateful to be chosen for this scholarship and quite honoured to be the representative to deliver my note of thanks. I will forever be thankful for your kindness,” she said.  

The scholarship motivates Sion to work hard in her studies

Another recipient Sion Deborah Rinsche said, “The scholarship is a motivation for me to work diligently in my pursuit of education. Thanks to the scholarship, I have fewer financial worries and I can focus more on my studies. From what I know, China is a country that is advancing in many aspects. China has come a long way over the years.” 

Sion is currently studying bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting under the Faculty of Creative Industries. She comes from a family of three where her mother is a part-time clerk and her father is doing odd jobs such as selling recyclable items to the recycling centres from time to time.

Nurul Majidah feels incredibly grateful for the China Ambassador Scholarship

“My mother is the sole breadwinner for my family. She raised my brother and me on her own ever since my father passed away six years ago. He was a great man and an amazing father,” said Nurul Majidah binti Nor Zihan, a Journalism student from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 

“I feel very privileged and touched to have your unwavering support in my university journey. It is such a wonderful feeling for me to know that these support networks are always available for students to help them in their educational pursuit and even financially. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for your assistance in my academic and even financial endeavours, especially during this unprecedented pandemic. This scholarship would be highly beneficial for my studies at UTAR. With this scholarship, I will be able to work less and focus more on my education. I appreciate the help you have given me to complete my journalism degree and, Insha’Allah, to continue my master’s degree in foreign languages in the future. Furthermore, this scholarship motivates me to work hard in my studies. I intend to make most of my time at UTAR and give back to the community after graduation, just as you have done with your generous scholarship,” said Nurul Majidah. 

Ugeswaran is happy to be selected as one of the recipients

Ugeswaran Jeganathen, who is majoring in Environmental, Occupational Safety and Health under the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology said, “The financial assistance will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses during these trying times, especially for my internet packages and gadgets to attend online classes. This scholarship will not only help me pay for my studies, but it will also help alleviate my family’s financial burden during this challenging time of the Covid-19 pandemic because, besides tuition fees, there are other expenses such as rentals and meal allowance which I have to consider in my financial planning when I return to campus. This scholarship will sort that issue out, allowing me to concentrate more of my time on my studies. I can now improve my academic performance and secure a brighter future,” he said. 

Ugeswaran’s father is a dairy farmer and his mother is a homemaker. Expressing his appreciation for being a recipient, he said, “Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help future students like me to achieve their goals just as you have helped me.” 

You Dharyen said that being selected as one of the China Ambassador Scholarship recipients was a great opportunity for him

You Dharyen You Mee, who is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Information Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, comes from a family of seven. His father is an odd job worker and does various jobs from cleaning to construction and repairing things and his mother is a housewife. “I’m the eldest and the only one that was lucky enough to have the opportunity to further my studies at the tertiary level. One of my younger brothers had started working,” he said. 

He mentioned that the scholarship will lighten his family’s financial burden in terms of covering his rental fees and expenses during his internship in the near future. The scholarship will also help him to focus more on his studies without having any worries. “I truly admire China’s ambition. In the past 30 years, China has been the world’s fastest-growing economy and now it is the world’s second-largest economy. The Belt and Road Initiative is also an ambitious plan to develop two new trade routes connecting China with the rest of the world. It focuses on improving connectivity and cooperation among multiple economies spread across the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe,” he added. 

Benjamin Young believes that knowledge can change one’s destiny

Chinese Studies student Benjamin Young Ken Yip said, "I would like to take this opportunity to represent all the students to thank the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia for your care and kindness. With your assistance, we can pursue our studies without worries, strive for the future and move forward. Besides, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank UTAR President Prof Ewe and all the teachers. You have cultivated us and given us support. I am very lucky to study at UTAR. It has realised my dream to pursue education in a university and I am able to study with no worries. I always believe that knowledge can change one’s destiny. I am determined to study hard so that I will not disappoint my parents and break the high hopes of those who have helped me."

Benjamin Young’s father is an e-hailing driver and his mother is a housewife. “This scholarship provides timely help which reduces my parents’ burden and allows me to focus on my studies without worrying about them,” he said.

Gratitude messages from the student recipients

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