Dr Sun Yat-sen's ideas and contemporary digital civilisation

The guests and speakers with the participants

Hua Education Assistance Sdn Bhd collaborated with UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) to organise a webinar titled “Dr Sun Yat-sen's Ideas and Contemporary Digital Civilisation” via Zoom on 12 November 2021.

The objectives of the webinar were to promote understanding of the social value of Sun's ideas, encourage the learning of the cultural significance of Sun's ideas, as well as to explore the development trend of contemporary digital civilisation.

Invited to deliver the opening speech at the event were Founder and Chairman of The Mines Resort Bhd and Country Heights Holdings Bhd Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat and Vice Chancellor of New Era University College Dr Mok Soon Chong.

From top, clockwise: Tan Sri Lee, Prof Ewe and Dr Mok delivering their speeches

In his remarks, Tan Sri Lee expressed his respect towards Dr Sun Yat-sen and talked about Sun Yat-sen’s ideology. “I think Dr Sun Yat-sen is a model for all Chinese people around the world. He spent his entire life saving China from suffering,” he said. He mentioned that Dr Sun Yat-sen was one of the most respected modern leaders and people these days still carry forward his lofty spirit. 

On the other hand, Prof Ewe said, “Dr Sun Yat-sen was a great Chinese revolutionary leader who always thinks in the forefront of time. Although he passed away a long time ago, his thought and spirit still deeply influence the Chinese all over the world.” He explained that many of Sun’s ideas were remarkable and precious, and were preserved as cultural heritage and spiritual wealth to inspire the Chinese people.

According to Dr Mok, the concepts “Shang Li Hongzhang shu”《上李鸿章书》 (A Letter to Li Hongzhang) and "The Fundamentals of National Reconstruction"《建国方略》 by Dr Sun Yat-sen are very consistent with the contemporary digital civilisation. He said, “Dr Sun Yat-sen’s ideas are applicable to the present, and may even be in the future. His concepts transcend the times.”

The webinar was then continued by the keynote speakers, Dr Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall researcher Dr Chung Wen Po, Faculty of History of Nankai University Assoc Prof Dr Wang Wen-Lung, and Department of History of Hong Kong Shue Yan University Asst Prof Dr Au Chi Kin, who delivered their respective presentations. The webinar was moderated by UTAR Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes-cum-Head of Contemporary China Studies Unit Assoc Prof Dr Chin Chong Foh.

From top left, clockwise: Dr Au, Dr Chin, Dr Wang and Dr Chung during the webinar

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