The UTAR Hospital received a donation of RM10,383.83 from MPU (Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum) students during the virtual closing ceremony of “UTAR Hospital Fundraising Project 2021: Acts of Grace for a Cure”. The ceremony was organised by UTAR Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC) of Kampar Campus on 10 September 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
The “UTAR Hospital Fundraising Project 2021: Acts of Grace for a Cure” is a fundraising project facilitated by the DSSC of Kampar Campus. It was conducted by a group of 201 students from different MPU subjects. Under this fundraising project, a series of activities such as the selling of arts and crafts, and other products, competition, virtual talks and workshops were carried out by the MPU students. The objective of this project was to raise funds for UTAR Hospital as well as to allow students to demonstrate their soft skills and fundraising ability.
Prof Ewe (top row, left) and Leong (top row, middle) during the mock cheque presentation
Representing UTAR was its President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat, who received the mock cheque from student representative Leong Chai Yan. Witnessing the presentation ceremony was UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong.
Prof Ewe thanking UTAR MPU students and DSSC for the contribution
Thanking both MPU students and DSSC for their noble effort in raising funds for UTAR Hospital, Prof Ewe enthused, “Such a meaningful project needs strong support and contribution from all parties. Your gift allows us to provide quality affordable medical and health services to the community. Each donation is vital for us to continue with the construction of the UTAR Hospital.” He added, “I would like to congratulate all parties who have worked hard and sacrificed their time in their events especially our students. I am also aware that the project has collected up to RM10,383.83 and this is not an easy feat as I understand that the committee only had around three months to plan and complete the event. Thank you so much. Thank you for your effort and this is very much appreciated.”
Chan Qiao Wen as the event emcee
Leong in her speech said, “The fundraising activities were conducted for one month, from 17 July 2021 to 21 August 2021. I would like to extend my gratitude to all the MPU students for their efforts in making this fundraising event a success. For your information, the students involved in this UTAR Hospital Fundraising Project 2021: Acts of Grace for a Cure were students from MPU34072 Art, Craft and Design; MPU34032 Community Project; MPU34142 Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving; MPU34102 Managing Personal Finance, and MPU34132 Management of Sports Activity.”
Leong, who undertook MPU34072 Art, Craft and Design subject, explained that some of the selling products were made by the students. These products included handmade soaps, macaroon candles, E-cards, aroma stones, digital drawing portrait arts, wrist rest, Canva Eco bags, portable pocket-size hand sanitiser, face mask holder with design, drawstring bag and tote bag.
The profits were also drawn from the participation fees of online talks, virtual talks, coffee chats and workshops organised by the MPU students. The students, staff and the public benefitted greatly by gaining experience and knowledge through these activities.
Leong was very proud to be part of the fundraising committee. She said, “I have learnt that teamwork is important. Without teamwork and cooperation, it would have been impossible to complete the entire project. Therefore, I am grateful for this MPU subject that has enabled me to contribute to this meaningful cause.”
Leong listing some handmade products sold by her team
Located within the award-winning Kampar Campus, the UTAR Hospital is set to be a not-for-profit hospital. The project comprises an initial phase of a hospital complex with 250 beds for Western Medicine and 100 beds for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and a future phase of additional 250 beds or more, further benefitting communities of the Kinta Valley as well as the country with its affordable services. Its first phase is scheduled to be completed by December 2021 and be fully operational in 2022 in conjunction with UTAR’s 20th Anniversary.
Donations for the construction of the UTAR Hospital are welcomed and further information can be referred here.
Students selling products for the UTAR Hospital Fundraising Project
Online talks, sports activities, workshops and coffee chats were held as part of the fundraising activity
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