A successful U-Liang Library Reopening ceremony by PR students

Group 6 members with Dato’ Lee (standing, third from left), Daniel Wa (standing, third from right) and PR lecturer Diong (standing, far left) at the Reopening Ceremony of U-Liang Library

Under the course, UAMP3084 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a group of 10 Public Relations students, known as Group 6, conducted their CSR project, which is the “Reopening of U-Liang Library” on 3 April 2022 in Kampung Baru Sungai Durian, Tanjung Tualang. The project, aimed at creating a conducive learning environment and encouraging reading among children, was in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education, with the emphasis to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

With careful planning that lasted for more than two and half months, the project was well executed on the eventful day, and the reopening ceremony was graced by MCA Kampar Division Chairperson Dato’ Lee Chee Leong. Also present were President of Kelab Komuniti Sungai Durian Daniel Wa Wai How, committee members and the residents of Kampung Baru Sungai Durian.

A lion dance performance to welcome Dato’ Lee (in red), Wa (in light pink) and residents of Kampung Baru Sungai Durian before the reopening ceremony

Dato’ Lee (centre) revealing the plaque of U-Liang Library, accompanied by Tan (left) and Wa (right)

Dato’ Lee (centre) and Wa (right) filling the two missing strokes to complete the U-Liang Library’s plaque as Tan (left) looks on

“The reopening of the U-Liang library is indeed a wise move by the PR students. I believe this will provide a place for students of Kampung Baru Sungai Durian to cultivate their reading interest and deepen their passion for reading, especially after school hours. Reading remains important, and it contributes greatly to one’s academic endeavours. Therefore, I am delighted to see the involvement of locals, volunteers, UTAR staff and students to make this project a success,” said Dato’ Lee.

Wa, on the other hand, expressed, “We hope to see children visit the library and make it one of their common places, apart from school because reading will help broaden their knowledge and skills. We are looking forward to organising various activities in the library to encourage children’s participation, and I hope that the adults could also do their role to encourage the children to visit the library more frequently, and instil in them a reading habit. Thank you to the PR students from UTAR for organising this project and advocating reading.”

Group 6 UTAR PR CSR Project 2022 Director Joanne Tan Xin Yi, mentioned they were fortunate to be able to involve in the planning and execution of the project, which has also taught them about serving the community and gaining related knowledge and skills. The group also thanked their PR lecturer-cum-Project Advisor Diong Fong Wei for her guidance and support in ensuring the success of the project. The PR students conducted some refurbishment to the library, which included cleaning, painting and reinstallation of the bookshelves.

At the ceremony, Representative of the Science in Action Foundation Dr Sim Yoke Leng presented a mock cheque of RM5,000 donation to Wa. The money will be used to purchase books for the library and to support the daily operating expenses. T.W Associate also donated a variety of books to U-Liang Library to support the reopening project.

Dr Sim (far left) presenting the mock cheque to Wa (far right) while Dato’ Lee (second from right) and Tan (second from left) look on

One of Group 6 members completing the mural art

The representative of T.W Associate (far left), Dato’ Lee (second from right), Wa (far right) and Tan (second from left) during the book donation

Dato’ Lee (centre) presenting a gift to one of the participants of the colouring activity, while Wa (right) and Tan (left) look on

Participants of the colouring activity displaying the gifts they received

Group 6 PR students and Diong celebrating the success of the reopening ceremony with a photo with Dato’ Lee, Wa, and some of the residents of Kampung Baru Sungai Durian

A group photograph of Dato’ Lee (sixth from left) and Wa (second from left) with some of the residents of Kampung Baru Sungai Durian

The residents attending the reopening ceremony to give their support

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