Enlightening participants on GAPC and SDG

Enlightening participants on GAPC and SDG

The poster

UTAR Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) organised a webinar titled “QA Acculturation: IEA Graduate Attributes Professional Competencies, v4 versus Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)" on 18 April 2022 via Microsoft Teams.

Invited to share her experience was Ir Dr Siti Hawa Hamzah, the former director of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) from the Engineering Accreditation Department (EAD). She is also a retired Civil Engineering professor from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam.

Among the topics covered at the webinar were Graduate Attributes Professional Competencies (GAPC) version 4; The 17 SDGs; The OBE Planting Cycle; Engineering Knowledge Attribute; Suggestion for Engineering Problems; Nine Knowledge Profile; Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC) Standard Criteria and others. The webinar was moderated by Dean of Academic Quality Assurance and Audit Ir Prof Dr Rajkumar Durairaj.

Dr Siti sharing her experience and involvement in International Engineering Alliance (IEA)

Dr Siti said, “IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies show the knowledge attribute of the common stem that we have between mathematics, natural science, computing and engineering fundamentals as the main common stem and also engineering specialisation. This common stem will differentiate the complex engineering problems to broadly-defined engineering problems and well-defined engineering problems.”

Moreover, Dr Siti shared her experience and involvement in the International Engineering Alliance (IEA). She also spoke about the incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the programme design and delivery for optimum learning outcome attainment.

The webinar came to an end with a Q&A session and a group photography session.

Dr Siti (top row, most left) and UTAR Vice President Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min (second row, second from left) with lecturers and participants

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