Westlake International School visits UTAR Kampar Campus

UTAR Kampar Campus welcomed 133 students from Westlake International School (WIS), Kampar for a campus visit on 14 October 2022 and 7 November 2022. The event kicked off with a Career Guidance Workshop conducted by Department of Student Affairs Counsellor Ong Sweet Ling on 14 October 2022. The workshop aimed to help students make better career decisions that match their personalities and interests. Following was a talk titled “What careers are available in sciences and arts?”. It was conducted by CFS Kampar Campus academic Jennifer Siow Jian Ni. She highlighted the difference between the Arts and the Science streams and shared the career prospects in the fields of Arts and Science.

Meanwhile, the workshop titled “Workshop: Science Demo” was conducted on 7 November 2022. The students were separated into three groups to participate in the workshop, which was comprised of two sessions—Biology and Physics. The Biology session was facilitated by CFS Kampar Campus academics S. Archuna, Chan Jer Jing and Goh Kai Wey. The students were briefed about the functions of different human organs. On the other hand, the Physics session was facilitated by CFS Kampar Campus academics Chin Kong Yew, Lim Shoou Shinn, and Nor Habibi Saadah binti Musa. The participants were exposed to different theories of Physics and they conducted experiments using Perspex blocks, laser pointers, and protractors.

After that, the students participated in the activities organised by the Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT). The activities include a talk titled “Overview of industrial engineering department” delivered by FEGT lecturer Dr Lim Chong Hooi and two workshops titled “CAD demo using SolidWorks” and “Facility layout design using witness” conducted by FEGT academics Ts Dr Tan Ming Hui and Ir Dr Joshua Jaya Prakash respectively. The students then joined a campus tour guided by the Division of Programme Promotion (DPP) to explore the university environment and facilities. The visit ended with a group photography session.

The students enjoyed the visit. They cited that the talks were useful and the workshops were engaging. The activities also aroused their interest in Biology, Physics and Engineering subjects.

Siow explaining the difference between Arts and Science streams

Students after the workshops

Students visiting FEGT laboratory

Ong conducting Career Guidance Workshop

Group photos of WIS students

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