LOVE Exhibition & Well-being Forum 2022

Themed ‘Spice Up Your Love, Keep the Spark Alive!’, the LOVE Exhibition & Well-being Forum 2022, organised by the Counselling and Guidance Unit of the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) of Kampar Campus, kick-started with a series of virtual workshops, talks, forum, and a physical exhibition to enhance the quality of healthy and meaningful connection among the university youth and the community.

Speakers of the forum Tay (top right) and Wan (below)

Held in collaboration with International Medical University Malaysia (IMU), a forum titled “From Connect to Change: Mental Health Matters” was conducted, in conjunction with World Mental Health Day 2022 on 10 October 2022 via Zoom. The forum aimed to promote awareness of post-pandemic mental health issues. The invited speakers were IMU academic Wan Kah Mun and UTAR Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS) academic Tay Kok Wai, who shed light on the awareness of mental health and potential self-care techniques. At the forum, participants learnt ways on overcoming post-pandemic challenges, including physical connection anxiety and adjusting to new norms.

Efforts to enhance mental health literacy, promote emotional resilience, and cultivate happiness, were substantiated with the virtual workshops conducted by DSA Counselling and Guidance Unit Counsellor Ng Foo Yek and UTAR Hospital Psychological Counsellor Ng Kai Yean.

Foo Yek (left) and Kai Yean sharing the ways to overcome mental health issues

Foo Yek, who is also a Choice Theory/Reality Therapy certified practitioner (CT/RTC), spoke on “Discover the Art of Happiness from the Inside Out” on 11 October 2022. He advised participants to use these four tips – rest well, love well, explore well, and live well – to enhance happiness and well-being. Meanwhile, at Kai Yean’s virtual workshop titled “Transforming Stigma: Mental Health Awareness” on 13 October 2022, participants were educated on ways to recognise and reduce the stigma of mental health issues, besides supporting people who are suffering from mental health illnesses. More than 100 participants attended the virtual workshops.

Participants at the virtual workshops

The opening ceremony of the exhibition (from left): Organising Chairperson Ngo Da Long, Main Coordinator Chong Chee Wai, Foo Yek, and Assistant Coordinator Gursheena Kaur

The highlight of the event was the launch of the Love Exhibition, organised by the Counselling and Guidance Unit from 14 to 16 November 2022 at UTAR Kampar Campus. The aim of the exhibition was to educate visitors about the meaning of love, connections between relationships, and overall well-being. It also aimed to raise mental health awareness among UTAR students and the community, besides improving the quality of relationships among Malaysian youths through education, an important protective factor for mental health; and to educate various coping skills to improve healthy relationships and mental well-being. The exhibition attracted more than 1,600 visitors, consisting of students and staff. There was a total of six booths in the exhibition, a resting corner with a social experiment video about the definition of love playing, a corner for speed dating activity, and a stage for a photo booth session.

Organising committee, staff, students, and visitors enjoying the various activities prepared at the exhibition

The event ended with a “Know Your Rights - Sexual Harassment Awareness Talk” on 25 November 2022 to gauge awareness and understanding about sexual harassment on campus, in the workplace, and in the community. Managing Director of Speak Up Malaysia Emellia Shariff promoted awareness of sexual harassment and shared the importance of creating a safe, equal, inclusive, and healthy environment.

She is also a part of the team that successfully drafted and lobbied for the tabling of the Sexual Harassment Bill with the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development and the Attorney General’s Chambers. She delivered a meaningful presentation on identifying sexual harassment and the proper way to seek support.

Some of the participants at the end of the talk

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