Nutrition for brain health and ageing

The Centre for Corporate and Community Development in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Non-Communicable Diseases and Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement organised a webinar titled “The Ageing Brain: Nutrition for Brain Health and Ageing: Things You Need to Know” on 14 December 2022 via Zoom and Facebook Live. The webinar was attended by more than 50 participants.

Dr Chang explaining the DASH diet

The webinar, which was presented by Faculty of Science lecturer Dr Chang Sui Kiat, provided participants with the opportunity to learn about proper nutrition and its important role in maintaining brain health in an ageing population. He also focused on the influence of ageing on brain health and the emerging evidence that links diet and specific nutrients with cognitive function and depression in the elderly.

In the webinar, Dr Chang also spoke about the elderly population in Malaysia, the definition of ageing, body and brain changes in ageing, the effects of certain diets on brain health, effects of certain nutrients on brain health, foods for brain health and other related topics.

He advised, “Strive to eat healthily, exercise regularly, keep your brain active, connect with people and get enough quality sleep. Good nutrition is important for brain health with a diet high in plants and fish. Coffee and tea are also beneficial for brain health. Reduce the intake of high-sugar foods and drinks as well as processed foods. Have a restful sleep as it promotes brain health and longevity.

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