Bioscience workshop instilled interest in science among millennials

Bioscience workshop instilled interest in science among millennials

Participants and organisers of the workshop

As an effort to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education among secondary school students in Perak, the Centre for Biomedical and Nutrition Research (CBNR) together with the Department of Laboratory Management and Safety Administration (LMSA) of Faculty of Science organised a half-day hands-on workshop on bioscience-related fields with the theme ‘Unravelling the Wonders of Bioscience’ on 8 January 2022. It attracted students from seven schools from Kampar, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, and Tapah.

Dr Anto Cordelia, the emcee for this event, welcoming the participants

Dr Ooi Zhong Xian delivering the opening address

The workshop was inaugurated by Head of LMSA Department Dr Ooi Zhong Xian, who encouraged the participants to embrace science and explore its connectivity to nature and humanity. The workshop featured life sciences, covering the themes microbiology, molecular biology, haematology, plant tissue culture, and edible mushroom growing. It was divided into four stations. The participants were divided into groups of five and rotated among the different stations.

Station 1, “Pretty Little Things”, featured the basic method to grow bacteria in the laboratory, staining and observing bacteria under the microscope, and a fluorescence detection method for faecally contaminated water. The facilitator, LMSA Department staff Luke Choy May, demonstrated the three-phase streak plate method, and the participants performed the technique individually under her supervision. LMSA Department Senior Laboratory Assistant Nurfarhana binti Ahmad taught participants the Gram staining method for differentiating bacteria into the Gram-positive and Gram-negative groups based on their cell wall difference. The experiment on fluorescence detection of Escherichia coli in water sampleswas under the charge of CBNR Chairperson Dr Eddy Cheah Seong Guan, who was assisted by staff Lee Jo Ann. He explained the principles behind this technique and enthused the participants to perform the test.

At Station 2, “The Secret of Life”, participants were enlightened on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), as the genetic material in all cellular organisms and were exposed to agarose gel electrophoresis and basic pipetting skills, which were essential in DNA analysis. This station was led by Faculty of Science (FSc) academic Dr Kho Chiew Ling, assisted by LMSA Department staff Nurul Illiana binti Mazlishah, Ong Hing Huat and Natrah binti Khalid.

Station 3, “Body Cells at Work”, was led by FSc academic Dr Teh Lai Kuan who provided hands-on experience in performing simple blood analysis like the microhaematocrit test and prothrombin time test to understand blood clotting mechanism and blood group typing. Dr Teh was assisted by FSc academics Dr Kwong Phek Jin, Dr Anto Cordelia Tanislaus Antony Dhanapal and Choo Wai Teng, with the support from LMSA Department staff Fatin Masturah binti Mohd Isa and Siti Nor Ain binti Meor Nadzri. Meanwhile, Station 4 named “Plants and Edible Fungi in Motion” housed two experiments on ways to culture a plant called sambung nyawa in vitro and on the basics of growing edible mushrooms and understanding their life cycle. The experiments were facilitated by LMSA Department staff Nurhanisah binti Ahmad Fauzi and Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus academic Ho Wai Yew, respectively, assisted by LMSA Department staff namely Mohd Zaini bin Zainul Abidin, Jocelyn Chu, Shanise Thean and Kenneth Leong.

The workshop followed strict SOPs and all safety precautions were followed as per the University’s and government’s norms. The participants displayed great enthusiasm and enjoyed doing all the experiments featured. One of the science enthusiasts, Teo Yuh En, a Form 4 participant from SMK St. Bernadette’s Convent, Batu Gajah said that she gained experience in handling many apparatus and equipment that she has not seen or used in her school lab. Another participant from Westlake International School, Eugene Khoo Yi Jeat, commented that it was fun and worth the time to take part in this workshop.

Dr Eddy Cheah, the brain behind this workshop said, “STEM education goes beyond conventional classroom subjects, focusing on hands-on learning with real-world applications to develop a new mindset and a variety of skills. This workshop featured the life sciences. Knowledge and research in this field are important in addressing the many challenges affecting living organisms, and paving the way for discoveries and inventions that improve the quality of life. From understanding the biology of SARS-CoV-2 to vaccine and antiviral development, the current pandemic highlights the importance of life science research in saving lives and its control. At UTAR, our commitment to life science education is recognised by the numerous undergraduate programmes offered in this field; these include Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biomedical Science, Biochemistry and Food Science.” Overall, the workshop was a huge success and it motivated and intrigued the participants’ interest in science. All the participants received a certificate of participation and the event concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Dr Anto Cordelia, the emcee and the Organising Secretary.

Participants conducting experiments at various stations

Some of the participants receiving their certificates from Dr Eddy Cheah

Some of the participants receiving their gift from Dr Teh Lai Kuan (left photo, far left) and Dr Eddy Cheah (right photo, far left) for answering questions correctly, while Dr Anto Cordelia (centre) looks on

Dr Eddy Cheah giving a closing remark

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