FCI lecturer gives a talk at Traxx FM

Faculty of Creative Industries lecturer, speaker and also a certified trainer Zachary Roland A.F. Anthony was invited by Traxx FM to give a talk titled Recapping 2021, Embracing 2022 on 4 January 2022. The programme was hosted by DJ Kong Eu.

The session began with a query on how Zachary felt about 2021. He stated that despite all the obstacles he had experienced, he was able to make a little improvement last year by focusing his energy and time on optimism and productivity.

He also noted that after a year of following the new norm, he was more prepared, and thus he was able to be more proactive, effective and active when leading the class virtually as a lecturer. As a father, he was able to spend quality time with his daughter and as an artist, he was able to make masterpieces in fresh and distinctive themes.

Zachary shared numerous thoughts on how to create goals and overcome barriers during the 30-minute talk. When questioned about his thoughts on New Year’s resolutions and aspirations, he stated that many individuals he met lately have lost hope and are unmotivated to continue living because of the various difficulties they have endured. He expressed his disappointment to see this and mentioned that everyone must have a realistic goal in order to go on because without objectives one’s life would become static. “Goals motivate us to work harder, regardless of where we are or what we have,” Zachary said.

He also said that knowing who you are and what you want is vital in goal planning since only then you can prepare for the future. Although life had been difficult in recent years, he explained that everything would soon fall into place. “In order to keep your goals alive, be more detailed, priorities goals, and know your goals well; practice goals with objectives while not being overly ambitious, and devote adequate support, budget, time, and resources to achieve those goals,” he said. He also emphasised the importance of recognising and rewarding one’s success, no matter how small it is.

He encouraged Malaysians to sleep well and maintain a work-life balance at the end of the session. He advised them to express their appreciation by writing down everything they are glad for in a notebook and allowing things to flow with an open mind. Zachary added, “Also set boundaries for yourself and learn to say ‘no’ when required, and plan ‘me time’ which could also be accomplished by staring at the sky and resting. Plus, remove negativity, spread optimism and laugh more; these are the most effective methods to be hopeful and re-energised.”

The talk ended with the speaker wishing everyone a prosperous and happy new year.

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