Webinar on Chinese Medicine and COVID-19 pandemic

The webinar forum on “Chinese Medicine and COVID-19 Pandemic” was held on 13 January 2022 via Zoom.

The webinar was jointly organised by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology (AAET); co-organised by the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST), Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Binzhou Medical University, Ganzhou City People’s Hospital, UTAR– T&CM Centre – TCM Promotion Centre, Centre for Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine (CRTCM) and Malaysian Chinese Medical Society of Epidemic Control and Prevention (CMEC).

The webinar commenced with welcome addresses by CAE Vice president Prof Wang Chen and AAET President Ir Academician Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik.

Prof Wang explaining the big role TCM plays in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

Prof Wang emphasised, “Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) plays a great role in promoting mutual learning and protecting people’s life. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, TCM had been used globally in the effort to curb COVID-19; it had been a solution to the pandemic. Traditional medicine should certainly not be dismissed: sometimes it is all that’s available in many parts of the world. Some life-saving therapies have come from natural products, and there is no doubt that more will be discovered.”

Tan Sri Chuah looking forward to continuing the collaboration between CAE and AAET

Prof Chuah said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented situation throughout the whole world. It did not only affect China or ASEAN but the whole world. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lifestyle and brought us bad experiences. Now is the time for us to learn from each other and help each other. I believe today will be an interesting day for our Malaysian team to share their experience and listen to the excellent works done by our colleagues in China on how they prevent and cure of the COVID-19. And, I am sure that the integration of TCM and Western medicine will give us hope so that we can quickly put the COVID-19 pandemic under control.”

The webinar forum featured a total of four renowned speakers. The keynote speakers, namely Prof Zhang Boli presented his topic titled Reflections on the Contributions of Traditional Chinese Medicine In Fighting COVID-19; Prof Wang Qi presented his topic titled Research and Practice of COVID-19 Prevention with TCM; Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong presented his topic titled COVID-19 and Chinese Medicine in Malaysia and Prof Huang Luqi presented his topic titled HuaShi Baidu Granule A Novel Chinese Herbal Medicine for COVID-19.

Clockwise from left: Prof Zhang, Prof Wang Qi and Dr Te during their sharing

Top row, from right: Tan Sri Chuah and Prof Ewe with speakers and participants

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