President offers valuable advice at Tea Meeting
The graduands of the upcoming March 2023 convocation had an enlightening tea meeting with UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat on 6 July 2022 at UTAR Kampar Campus and 7 July 2022 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus.
Organised by UTAR Department of Alumni and Relations and Placement (DARP), the tea meeting aimed to provide the final year students with information on the current market and technology trends; ways to increase employability; tips on choosing future jobs; convocation, as well as alumni services.
Prof Ewe offering his valuable advice to final-year students at Kampar (top) and Sungai Long (bottom) Campuses
Prof Ewe kick-started the tea meeting by explaining the technological revolutions that transpired throughout time and their effects on the evolution of the economy. He emphasised that in this 4th Industrial Revolution, there is a need for more knowledge workers with a growth mindset and empathy. “A growth mindset is having the belief that intelligence can be continuously developed; it also brings out the desire to learn. A person with a growth mindset also embraces challenges and perseveres in the face of setbacks. They also learn from criticism and they see efforts as the path to mastery. Individuals with a growth mindset are also able to find lessons and inspiration from others’ successes and they are able to reach high levels of achievements,” said Prof Ewe.
He continued to talk about the challenges of 21st-century education, which due to the rapid economic and social changes, schools are required to prepare students for jobs that have not yet been created, technologies that have not yet been invented, and unknown problems that will arise. He emphasised, “That is why, in the 21st-century learning framework, it highlights the need for students to acquire content knowledge and 21st-century themes; possess information, media and technology skills; like and career skills; as well as learning and innovation skills. A famous author also highlighted that the two skills needed for the future are firstly adaptability and continuous learning, and secondly mental balance and emotional intelligence. Apart from all these skills, it would be an advantage if you also acquire transferable skills, job-related skills, and adaptive skills, which you can reflect in your resume to convince the employers.”
Apart from listing the top five digital skills sought by employers, which are, digital marketing, big data and analytics, database, e-commerce, and software & application development, Prof Ewe also highlighted the soft skills that employers look for in their potential employees, which are problem-solving skills, ability to work under pressure, ability to work independently, communication skills and willingness to learn.
He also offered advice on the choices that the final year students can consider after their graduation, and explained the top reasons for unsuccessful employment, based on a research done in 2018. He also guided them on ways to ensure a successful interview. When beginning their professional career, he reminded them to be good subordinates, practise teamwork, allow for professional development, prioritise organisational goals, and always be ethical.
Prof Ewe also encouraged the final year students to always learn something new and equip themselves with new knowledge because learning is lifelong. He also advised them to differentiate things that are truly important versus things that are urgent. At present time, with changes constantly taking place, he advised them to be resilient and adaptable, while also keeping in mind the importance of good health and exercise.
Present at Kampar Campus were Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Faculty of Business and Finance Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Yew King Tak, Institute of Chinese Studies Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin, Faculty of Science Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Dean Dr Lee Lai Meng, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Acting Dean Assoc Prof Ir Ts Dr Leong Kah Hon, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Choo Peng Yin, UTAR Alumni Association of Malaysia President Simon Chong Weng Yeap, and DARP Head Lim Swea Jen.
Present at Sungai Long Campus were Prof Choong, Faculty of Accountancy and Management Dean Dr Sia Bee Chuan, Faculty of Creative Industries Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Ts Ang Kok Yew, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Yap Wun She and Lim.
The students listening attentively to Prof Ewe
Students interacting with Prof Ewe, Prof Choong, deans and deputy deans
Chong sharing the perks of joining the alumni association
Division of Programme Promotion Laila binti Ismail explaining master’s and PhD programmes offered at UTAR
DARP Naaresh Arumugam explaining the goals of DARP
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