Webinar sheds light on research and education opportunities in Europe

Webinar sheds light on research and education opportunities in Europe

Participants were enlightened at the “Erasmus+ & Euraxess Programme for Staff and Students” webinar, organised by the Division of Community and International Networking of Kampar Campus on 8 July 2022 via Zoom.

The first speaker Dr Susanne Rentzow-Vasu spoke on Euraxess: Supporting Researchers Worldwide. She explained that Euraxess provides the opportunity for researchers to access European research areas, where the researchers will also obtain, information, opportunities, networking, career development, support and community engagement.

Dr Susanne explaining the benefits of Euraxess

She said, “Information can include exploring the available research opportunities in your field, the available funding, and ways to collaborate with European researchers. There are thousands of scholarships, research jobs, fellowships and funding offers in the European Research Area and global partner countries. You will also be able to build your own network among thousands of individuals, research organisations and businesses across Europe and the world. You can also find a research host or post your hosting offer. Euraxess also helps with career development, meaning you will be able to take charge of your career and make use of the comprehensive career development support and training resources. Mentoring for international researchers arriving in Europe is available through the REBECA (REsearchers Beyond aCAdemia) mentoring programme.”

She further explained about Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), under the Pillar 1: Excellent Science of the Horizon Europe programme. She listed the key features of the programme and the many sub-programmes it offered. The programmes include Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Staff Exchanges, Cofund, and MSCA and citizens outreach. The speaker also elaborated on MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, MSCA Matchmaking Platform and MSCA Staff Exchanges.

Timea introducing Erasmus+

The second speaker, Timea Magony, spoke on Erasmus+. She explained, “Erasmus+ is an EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport. It also provides funding for programmes, projects, and scholarships. It also facilitates the EU-EU and EU-international cooperation. The opportunities for higher education institutions from non-associated third countries are international credit mobility, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) & Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), capacity building for higher education, and Jean Monnet activities. Meanwhile, the higher education opportunities for people outside Europe are international credit mobility scholarships; and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters and scholarships.”

She also elaborated, “EMJM is a full-degree programme at master’s level. You can study in two or more universities, and full scholarships are available for the best-ranked applicants from all over the world. There are also some 150 programmes to choose from. Meanwhile, the EMDM is a new sub-action, supporting the design of high-level study programmes at the master’s level. An EM Design Measures project involves at least three full-partner higher education institutions from three different countries, of which at least two must be the EU Member States or Associated third countries. It has an independent call for proposal and a fixed duration of 15 months. Institutions from all over the world may submit a proposal on behalf of an international consortium. The Jean Monnet activities focus on European integration studies. The teaching modules and research include modules, chairs, and centres of excellence. On the other hand, the capacity building for higher education consists of three types of projects, which are fostering access to cooperation in higher education, partnerships for innovation in higher education, and structural reform projects.”

The webinar ended with an interactive Q&A session.

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