Don't Suffer in Silence talk by CGU and WAO

The poster

In conjunction with the Sexual Harassment / Abuse Awareness Talk 2022, UTAR Counseling and Guidance Unit (CGU) collaborated with the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) to organise a sexual awareness talk titled Don’t Suffer in Silence. It was held on 30 May 2022 through Microsoft Teams, with WAO ambassador, Lee Shih En, invited to conduct the talk.

The talk began with Lee introducing herself to the participants. From there, she explained the general definition of sexual harassment, stating that it is any type of unwanted sexual conduct, verbal or non-verbal. She showed an interesting statistic from 2013 to 2017 regarding the types of potential sexual harassment victims, with 21.1% of victims being male, while 78.9% being female.

Lee delivering her talk

Lee then highlighted the differences between sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. “Sexual harassment encompasses all and it focuses on the victim’s feelings. Sexual assault refers to any unwanted physical contact, while rape is unconsented sexual intercourse between a man and a woman,” said Lee. She also briefly mentioned the types of sexual harassment, which are verbal, visual, psychological, gestural, physical and cyber.

After that, Lee also touched on the existing Malaysian laws that deal with sexual harassment, which are the Employment Act 1995 and the Penal Code, speaking about each law’s coverage and limitations. She moved on to give a leading case example and explained the current ongoing efforts to counter sexual harassment in the country, which is the Anti-sexual harassment Bill 2021.

Finally, Lee informed the participants about the appropriate steps to take after being sexually harassed, whilst also enlightening them on the reasons why sexual harassment victims do not report the crime. Lastly, she talked about the actions needed in order to raise awareness about sexual harassment.

The enlightening talk ended with short Q&A and group photo sessions.

Lee (top row, most left) and participants posing for a group photo

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