UTAR continues its convocation ceremony for August 2021 graduates with strict SOPs

UTAR continues its convocation ceremony for August 2021 graduates with strict SOPs

Aerial view of the graduates of August 2021 and their parents in the hall

UTAR held a physical convocation for the graduates of August 2021 at Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik of UTAR Kampar Campus on 5 and 6 March 2022. Over 1,700 graduates attended the convocation ceremony which was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to this physical convocation, an e-convocation ceremony was held for the graduates in August 2021 to celebrate their graduation.

The graduates from 81 programmes comprising 63 Bachelor (Honours) degrees, 12 Master’s degrees and six PhD degrees, attended the convocation in eight sessions held over two days.

Graduates bowing to their parents as a sign of gratitude during the convocation ceremony  

UTAR Registrar Yim Lin Heng leading the main procession

Session One and Two of the Convocation were declared open by UTAR Council Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Ting Chew Peh; Session Three and Four were declared open by UTAR Council Member Mr Hew Fen Yee, Session Five and Six were declared opened by UTAR Council Member and UTAR Hospital Board Chairman Ir Academician Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Chuah Hean Teik; and Session Seven and Eight were declared open by UTAR Council Member Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Chuan. Also present at the ceremony were UTAR President Ir Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat.

UTAR Council Chairman Tan Sri Ting declared the opening of the convocation ceremony for Session One and Two

Mr Hew declared the opening of the convocation ceremony for Session Three and Four

Tan Sri Chuah declared the opening of Session Five and Six of the Convocation

Dato’ Seri Ong declared the opening of Session Seven and Eight of the Convocation

The scroll presenters for Session One and Two were Tan Sri Ting and Tan Sri Chuah; Session Three and Four were Mr Hew and Prof Ewe; Session Five were Tan Sri Chuah and Mr Hew; Session Six were Tan Sri Chuah and Prof Ewe; Session Seven were Dato’ Seri Ong and Mr Hew; and Session Eight was Dato’ Seri Ong and Prof Ewe.

Prof Ewe congratulating the graduates

Speaking at the convocation ceremony, UTAR President Prof Ewe congratulated the graduates and advised them to continue learning even after their graduation. He said that, “Your graduation is not the end of learning but the beginning. There will be many more lessons in life ahead of you but the most important thing is to believe in yourself, to have a broad mindset and to live a life of integrity.”

Tan Sri Ting presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) graduate Darvinder Singh a/l Nirmal Singh

Tan Sri Chuah presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Finance (Honours) graduate Chong Wen Rui

Mr Hew presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduate Alvin Ku Zi Qian

Prof Ewe presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese Studies graduate Foo Shiawsir

Dato’ Seri Ong presenting the scroll to Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Education graduate A. Karen Joshine

From left: UTAR Vice President Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min, Mr Hew, Prof Ewe, Tan Sri Ting, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Construction Management graduate W. Sebastian, Foo, Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) Communications and Networking graduate Ng Miao Xuan, Fum, Tan Sri Chuah, Doctor of Philosophy (Social Science) graduate Dr M. Pragash, Dr Norlaily, Dr Lee and UTAR Vice President Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong

From left: Prof Goi, Prof Ewe, Mr Hew, Darvinder, Tan Sri Ting, Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) graduate Beng Yi Qing @ Chan Yi Qing, Bachelor of International Business (Honours) graduate H’ng Wye Jian, Bachelor of Building and Property Management (Honours) graduate Lee Rou Si, Tan Sri Chuah and Prof Choong

From left: Prof Goi, Prof Ewe, Ku, Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (Honours) graduate Sue Pei Hui, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Civil Engineering graduate Chew Kim Soon, Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) graduate Leong Voon Keen, Mr Hew and Prof Choong

From left: Prof Goi, Mr Hew, Prof Ewe, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Agricultural Science graduate Chang Yu Yang, Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biochemistry graduate Siew Yu Qing, Bachelor of Finance (Honours) Koh Yee Lam, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Entrepreneurship graduate Bong Kim Chong, Tan Sri Chuah and Prof Choong

From left: Prof Goi, Mr Hew, Prof Ewe, Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Banking and Finance graduate Ch’ng Chin Xin, Bachelor of Corporate Communication (Honours) graduate Charlene Darveenia Lionel, Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Broadcasting graduate Tan Wei Ren, Tan Sri Chuah and Prof Choong

From left: Prof Goi, Prof Ewe, Dato Seri Ong, Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Advertising graduate Voon Shu Shin, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Education graduate Bryan Lee Yong Huan, Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations graduate Lam Jeen Yee, Mr Hew, Prof Choong

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) graduate Dr Lee Yu Jen (middle) with his family members (from left) mother Mdm Chuah Boey Lan, father Mr Lee Theng Hooi, uncle Tan Sri Chuah Hean Teik and Dr Lee’s sister Lee Yu Ying who is a medical doctor

Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) graduate Dr Lee Yu Jen said, “I want to convey a heartfelt thank you to my family and loved ones, supervisors, friends and colleagues for their support and encouragement throughout my study. Without them, I would not have achieved the success I have earned today.” Dr Lee, who is also the head of Department of Electronic Engineering in UTAR FEGT, has been working as an academic since January 2010. He has also organised a number of international conferences focusing on research papers. When asked what he would advise his students as an academic, he enthused, “When things are not going smoothly, never give up! Eventually, you will find a way if you persevere!”

Dr Norlaily thanking her supervisor for guiding her throughout her PhD journey

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Sciences) graduate Dr Norlaily binti Mohd Ali, who is now working as an R&D Scientist in Cell Tissue Engineering Company said, “I thank UTAR for providing me with a platform to further my studies. UTAR laboratories were well equipped with facilities to conduct research. The university also provided me with opportunities to collaborate and make connections with other local and international universities. These have helped me complete my research on time. I would like to thank my family members for believing in me and for never giving up on me. In addition to that, I also would like to thank my supervisor Prof Alan Ong Han Kiat for always guiding me till the end. I now finally feel the sense of thrill and achievement after obtaining my PhD at the convocation. Thank UTAR.”

Fum (third from left) with Prof Ewe (second from left) and his parents

Faculty of Accountancy and Management Master of Business Administration (Corporate Governance) graduate Fum Qi Teng thanked his family and lecturers for their guidance and support throughout his years of study. “UTAR programme has prepared me for the working world and has instilled a sense of responsibility and moral rectitude towards work as a candidate and employee,” said Fum who is currently working as a senior marketing specialist at an ICT company based in the Middle East. He added, “Social skills and soft skills matter more and far outweigh the academic achievement in the real working world. One will find common knowledge and the ability to improvise the key to many opportunities. Also, critical and numerical thinking are equally important too, regardless of what the job is. UTAR is indeed a great environment filled with academic talents and professionalisms, as well as credibility.”

Lam advised her juniors to maintain a balanced university lifestyle

Faculty of Arts and Social Science Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations graduate Lam Jeen Yee said, “My course, Public Relations, has helped me a lot in developing crucial skills such as creativity and communication skills. I am currently working as a CRM Digital & Campaign officer in OPPO Malaysia. The knowledge and skills I attained at UTAR, be it hard or soft skills, have undeniably elevated my creativity for campaign ideation and execution. I am neither an academic-oriented student nor a co-curricular oriented student. Instead, I focus on both and often strive to maintain a balanced lifestyle.”

Following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the pandemic, all graduates attending the convocation ceremony had to do the RTK-Antigen Test and fill in the health declaration form and submit it before attending the physical ceremony on campus. All University staff on duty for the convocation as well as all guests of graduates were also required to do the RTK-Antigen Test before attending the convocation.

From left: Mace bearer, Year Two Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) student Khor Jia Cheng and mace bearer’s assistant, Year Two Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Accounting student Lai Jia Wen consistently helped in the convocation ceremonies held from January to March 2022

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