An accreditation visit was made by the evaluation panels of the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM) and Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) Malaysia from 21 March 2022 to 22 March 2022 via Cisco Webex Meeting and 23 March 2022 to 24 March 2022 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus for two programmes under Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Sciences (LKC FES).
The accreditation visit aimed to verify whether the Engineering programmes under evaluation were in compliance with the appropriate accreditation criteria. This is to ensure that the graduates were adequately prepared to enter the engineering profession. The assessment involved two programmes under LKC FES which were Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechanical Engineering.
The accreditation evaluation gives the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Board of Engineers Malaysia and stakeholders the assurance that engineering graduates have the requisite skills and competencies reflected in the graduate outcomes specified by BQSM and EAC. Accreditation also guarantees prospective employers and the general public the standard of students and programmes offered at higher learning institutions in Malaysia.
The BQSM delegates were headed by Deputy Chairman of the Registration and Qualification Committee for BQSM, Consultant Quantity Surveyors (CQS) Sr Nik Zainal Alam bin Hasan. The panel members were Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying Deputy Dean Sr Dr Zuhaili bin Mohamad Ramly, Ex Officio of Registration and Qualification Committee for BQSM, Professional Quantity Surveyor (PQS) Sr Dr Wan Azlina Ibrahim, Universiti Teknologi Mara Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Senior Lecturer Sr Dr Siti Mazzuana binti Shamsuddin, Secretariat of Professional Standard Unit for BQSM Razif bin Mohamed and Secretariat of Accreditation from BQSM Nur Mawarddah binti Yahya.
Welcoming the BQSM delegates virtually were UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Yap Wun She, LKC FES Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Ir Dr Gobi Vetharatnam, LKC FES Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Assoc Prof Ts Dr Lee Kim Yee, LKC FES Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Ling Lloyd, LKC FES Head of Department for Department of Surveying Dr Felicia Yong Yan Yan, LKC FES Dean of Academic Quality Assurance and Audit Ir Prof Dr Rajkumar Durairaj, Director of Division of Quality Assurance Loh Siaw Yien, Manager of Division of Quality Assurance Hew Li Chen, lecturers and staff from the Department of Surveying.
Prof Goi (top row, second from left) welcoming the BQSM delegates
The EAC delegates, on the other hand, were led by Head of Delegation Ir AP Dr Bulan binti Abdullah. The panel members were Panel Assessor Ir Dr Mohamad Ali bin Ahmad, Panel Assessor Ir AP Dr How Ho Cheng, Observer Ir AP Dr Irraivan Elamvazuthi and Observer Ir AP Dr Ooi Pei Cheng.
Representing UTAR physically during the EAC evaluation were Prof Goi, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) Dean Ts Dr Yap Wun She, LKC FES Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Ir Dr Gobi A/L Vetharatnam, LKC FES Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Ts Dr Lee Kim Yee, LKC FES Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Ling Lloyd, LKC FES Head of Department for Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering Ts Dr Yeo Wei Hong, LKC FES Head of Department for Department of Laboratory Management and Safety Administration) Ts Dr King Yeong Jin, LKC FES Head of Programme for Master of Engineering (Mechanical) Ts Dr Lee Hwang Sheng, Dr Khaw Mei Kum, Dean of Academic Quality Assurance and Audit Ir Prof Dr. Rajkumar a/l Durairaj, Director of Division of Quality Assurance Loh Siaw Yien, lecturers and staffs.
Prof Goi (seated, fourth from left ) and Dr Bulan (seated, fifth from left) with UTAR and EAC delegates
Throughout the accreditation visit, BQSM and EAC delegates had several meetings with UTAR management, academic and technical staff, students and external stakeholders such as UTAR alumni and industry advisors. The visit also included reviewing relevant documentation and a campus tour to ensure that sufficient facilities and support for professional development and student learning are offered by the University.
Dr Yap presenting the overview of UTAR and LKC FES
Meeting between EAC panels and UTAR staff
Campus tour
About BQSM
Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM) is a statutory body, established by an Act of Parliament, namely the Registration of Quantity Surveyors Act 1967 (also known as Quantity Surveyors Act 1967). BQSM is responsible for the registration of Quantity Surveyors and firms and bodies as consulting Quantity Surveyors; the regulations of the Quantity Surveying profession in Malaysia; safeguarding the interests of the public and the rights of registered Quantity Surveyors and Quantity Surveying practices.
About EAC
The Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) is a delegated body by the Board of Engineers Malaysia as the only recognised accrediting body for engineering degree programmes offered in Malaysia. The membership of EAC is composed of five stakeholders, namely the Board of Engineers (BEM), the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Industry Employers, the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) and the Public Service Department (JPA).
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