Students help businesses to innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

Innovating and upgrading one’s business is more than just a means to boost profit. More so, they are means to help businesses operate in a sustainable manner, while continuing to provide decent jobs to people and improving the living standards of employees. In facing challenging times, in this present era, holding down a job also offers stability and assurance to many.

With this understanding in mind, a group of students, under the MPU34162 Business Plan Writing & Preparation Project course, conducted by the Department of Soft Skills Competency, helped two businesses to innovate and upgrade to improve their businesses’ productivity. Both projects were conducted from Feb 2022 to April 2022.

The location of the auto car service

The students who participated in improving Ong Kong Meng Auto Car Services

In Taman Sejati, Selangor, the students executed several improvements to Ong Kong Meng Auto Car Services, which provided automotive services for retrofitting cars, changing tyres, as well as maintenance and repair. The aim was to enable the business to offer one-stop services to customers by recruiting potential business partners and freelance/part-time foreman to help with the business operation. The improvements executed also enabled the business to implement and apply the function of appointment scheduling apps for customers’ convenience in booking and scheduling, apart from reminding customers of their appointments.

The suggestions for improvements were made after the students carried out their first-screen feasibility analysis. From the analysis, the students discovered that the owner lacked experience in managing a business; the business lacked skilled employees which led to lower production; the business sales were low which led to declined revenue, and the workshop was located in an isolated area.

The improvements suggested also helped to foster an entrepreneurial culture and encouraged investment in mentoring young entrepreneurs, which will encourage job creation among communities. In addition to that, it also helped the business to achieve high levels of productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, including focusing on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors. The use of appointment apps promoted development-oriented policies that offered more selection to the communities.

Students presenting their findings and suggestions to improve the product feasibility

The students involved in helping E-cup Bubble Milk Tea

The second targeted business profile was E-cup Bubble Milk Tea, located in Kampar, Perak. The business provides food and beverages, including chocolate drinks, ice fruity tea, fruity smoothie, sago jelly, yoghurt, bubble milk tea, waffle, cheezy mussels, cheezy mantou, and cheezy tofu. Upon conducting the first-screen feasibility analysis, the students discovered that the packaging of the products was not attractive; the packaging of the products does not reflect the value of the products; and the use of single-use plastics might create more pollution to the environment. Among the improvements proposed by the students were changing the design of the packaging to make it more attractive, increasing the use of disposable cups instead of plastic cups, and including small gifts inside the cup to attract more customers.

The suggestion to improve the packaging promoted development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. It also encouraged the formalisation and growth of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises including access to financial services. The use of disposable cups also promoted the goal to achieve a low carbon economy and created green jobs for communities.

Students presenting solutions to improve the bubble milk tea business

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