Analysing age-related anxieties

As part of the Mind Your Brain Series, UTAR Centre for Corporate and Community Development organised another webinar titled “The Emotional Brain: Unchain Your Age-Related Anxieties” on 27 September 2022 via Zoom and Facebook Live.

The talk was given by Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Life Coach and Trainer at Extraordinary Enterprise Pty Ltd, Chokmun Soong. He began the talk by sharing the definition of anxiety. He said, “Different people have different interpretations of what anxiety is, but in general, it is when a person has feelings of fear, worry, and apprehension disproportionate to the situation. This means that they perceive a situation to be worse than it actually is.”

Chokmun also asked the participants about some common anxieties they experience in their daily lives.  He then highlighted some common anxieties involving health, finance, career, relationship, friendship, and many more. He went on to explain the signs of excessive anxiety, which included lack of sleep, refusing to partake in social activities, self-medication through alcohol, and the absence of routine activities such as ignoring basic hygiene.

Chokmun explaining the common anxieties

Finally, Chokmun talked to the participants about managing these anxieties. “The most important question that you have to ask yourself is ‘Who are You?’. This refers to how you label yourself, such as labelling yourself as incompetent, handsome, or any other characteristics. By understanding how you label yourself, you have already taken the necessary step to realise you have anxieties or not,” said Chokmun.

The talk ended with a short Q&A session.

Chokmun answering participants’ questions

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