Generous donations from Thiam Lai Yean Foundation and Avia Kapital Foundation

UTAR Education Foundation (UEF) received RM1million as donations for its hospital project from the Thiam Lai Yean Foundation and Avia Kapital Foundation at T&CM Centre, UTAR Hospital on 19 October 2022.

Second from left: Prof Choong, Prof Lau, Dato’ Chan, Tun Ling, Prof Ewe, Maria Khong, Madam Yoke Cheng, Madam Yoke Ping and Datuk Lim at the mock cheque presentation ceremony

Representing the Thiam Lai Yean Foundation to present a mock cheque worth RM500,000 to UTAR were Madam Lim Yoke Cheng and Madam Lim Yoke Ping. Meanwhile, another mock cheque from the Avia Kapital Foundation worth RM500,000 was presented by Dato’ Chan Wah Kiang.

The mock cheques were received by UTAR Chancellor Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. The presentation of the mock cheques was witnessed by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat, UTAR Council Members Datuk Lim Si Cheng and Mr Hew Fen Yee, and CEO and Medical Director of UTAR Hospital Prof Dr Lau Hui-Ping. Also present were Tun Ling’s spouse Toh Puan Ena Ling, Deputy CEO of UTAR Hospital Maria Khong Poh Fong, UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, UTAR staff, and UTAR Hospital staff.

Prof Ewe thanking Thiam Lai Yean Foundation and Avia Kapital Foundation for their generous donation

Expressing his gratitude to the Thiam Lai Yean Foundation and Avia Kapital Foundation, Prof Dato’ Ewe said, “UTAR is indeed honoured and privileged to receive the donations from Thiam Lai Yean Foundation, and Avia Kapital Foundation for the development of UTAR Hospital today. Thank you for your generous donation and support that enable the hospital to progress further.”

Madam Yoke Cheng thanking UTAR Hospital for providing the opportunity to donate to this great project

In her speech, Madam Yoke Cheng said, “On behalf of the Thiam Lai Yean Foundation, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to UTAR Hospital for this honour and opportunity to be part of this great project.”

Dato’ Chan sharing his joy to be part of the development of UTAR Hospital

Dato’ Chan said, “Thank you to UTAR and UTAR Hospital for giving me an opportunity to be part of this marvellous project. I am pleased to play a part in supporting the development of UTAR Hospital, which I will continue to do so going forward as I am a strong believer in giving.”

Following the speeches were the mock cheque presentations by Madam Yoke Cheng and Dato’ Chan to Tun Ling, who received them on behalf of the UTAR Education Foundation. The special occasion ended with a souvenir presentation and a group photograph.

From left: Madam Yoke Cheng and Madam Yoke Ping presenting the mock cheque to Tun Ling; while Mr Hew, Datuk Lim, Prof Ewe and Prof Lau look on

Dato’ Chan (second from left) presenting the mock cheque to Tun Ling; while (from left) Mr Hew, Datuk Lim, Prof Ewe and Prof Lau look on

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