International Conference on Humanities, Religion and Society

Guests, speakers and participants from local and abroad

UTAR hosted the International Conference on Humanities, Religion and Society (“人文、宗教与社会”国际研讨会) on 27 March 2023 at Kampar Campus.

The conference was a collaboration between UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) Department of Chinese Studies, Centre for Chinese Studies (CChS) (Humanistic Buddhism Research Group Unit), Fo Guang University College of Humanities Department of Chinese Literature and Application, and Buddhist Da Fang Guang Social Welfare Charity Foundation (佛教大方廣社會福利慈善事業基金會). It was co-organised by Fo Guang Shan Malaysia Education Centre and I Culture Berhad.

The conference received wide participation from researchers, academics, students and members of the public, both local and abroad. A total of 32 research papers were presented at the conference by 23 scholars and nine doctoral students. 

Invited to officiate the event were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Fo Guang University President Prof Ho Jow-Fei, Buddhist Da Fang Guang Social Welfare Charity Foundation Venerable Wu Ji, Fo Guang Shan Chief Abbess for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia Venerable Jue Cheng, Fo Guang University College of Humanities Dean Prof Hsiao Li-Hua, UTAR ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei, and CChs Chairperson and Organising Chairperson Assoc Prof Dr Wong Wun Bin. Also present at the event were representatives from Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) and I Culture Berhad, academics and students from UTAR and Fo Guang University.

Prof Choong (second from right) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof Ho (second from left), witnessed by Dr Chong (far right) and Dr Wong

Prof Ho (fourth from left) presenting a calligraphy artwork to UTAR, which was received by (starting third from right) Prof Choong, Dr Chong and Dr Wong

Prof Choong looking forward to the collaboration between both institutions

Delivering his welcome address, Prof Choong said, “I would like to welcome and thank all the participants from local and abroad for supporting this conference. I am also pleased to receive support from the Buddhist Da Fang Guang Social Welfare Charity Foundation, Fo Guang Shan Malaysia Education Centre and I Culture Berhad for this conference. It is not easy to find a common ground for interdisciplinary research. However, both institutions have successfully made it by gathering participants from various faculties and disciplines.” 

He added, “The University encourages both institutions to work closely in joint research, academic conference, student exchanges, study tours, co-supervision of postgraduate students, and many more. Let us learn from each other and grow together.” He also shared a brief introduction about the development of UTAR and UTAR Hospital.

Prof Ho hoping the conference will be continuously held every year

Prof Ho thanked UTAR and the organising committee for the arrangement and said, “We are very happy to work together with UTAR, and grateful for the good causes formed through the conference. Most importantly, the conference provides a learning platform for our academics and students to exchange and share their research outcomes. Motivation is important among research peers during our research journey. During the conference, we should be able to discuss the connotation of each person’s research, point out the academic focus and characteristics, and at the same time, make innovations and improvements. I hope this conference, a meaningful collaboration between Fo Guang University and UTAR, will continue to be held yearly and alternately to promote and enhance the relationship and academic development between both institutions.” He has also invited participants from Malaysia to pay a visit to Fo Guang University.

Dr Wong expressing his gratitude to Fo Guang University

In his welcome speech, Dr Wong expressed his gratitude to Fo Guang University, UTAR ICS, speakers and committee members for their commitment and support, and shared the aims of the conference. He revealed, “Since the establishment of the partnership between UTAR and Fo Guang University a few years ago, I have worked closely with Fo Guang University and visited Fo Guang University several times to conduct research on Venerable Master Hsing Yun. I am glad that I always receive a warm reception from Prof Ho and the members of Fo Guang University. This unity has led to the collaboration between the two institutions today. This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics and students to share and exchange their research findings and insights in the field of humanities, religion and society. We are happy to have all these academics from different faculties and disciplines participate and deliver their research at this conference.”

Venerable Wu Ji introducing the Foundation

Venerable Wu Ji shared a brief introduction about the Buddhist Da Fang Guang Social Welfare Charity Foundation and their contributions to education, religion and welfare services; the concept of Humanistic Buddhism and the preciousness of Buddhism.

Venerable Jue Cheng underlining the importance of equality

Venerable Jue Cheng mentioned, “Malaysia is a diverse country. In addition to having cultural connotations, one must also have the patience to get along with others from different races and religions. Previously, I participated in the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York and found that countries all over the world were striving to speak at the United Nations General Assembly and demanded equality. Harmony in the world can only be achieved through tolerance, and I hope everyone can do their part for the sake of the world.” She also elaborated on equality in Buddhism, and how education and culture played a role in promoting equality in today’s world.

Singing performance by the organising committee during the opening ceremony

The conference was divided into three sessions, namely humanistic thought and society, religious belief, and humanities and literature. Forum sessions were also held during the conference to provide a platform for scholars and young scholars to share their research outcomes and insight in the field of religion, belief, arts, humanities and social sciences.

From left: Prof Hsiao, Dr Lo and Prof Kao sharing their research findings and insight at the session moderated by Dr Chong (far right)

The first half of the first session was moderated by Dr Chong; the speakers were Prof Kao Po-yuan from Tamkang University, Dr Lo Yuet Keung from the National University of Singapore and Prof Hsiao. Their topics focused on Confucianism and Legalism, Lao Tzu, and Zen and tea culture respectively.

The speakers from UTAR included ICS academics Dr Wong, Dr Ling Liong Ngo, Assoc Prof Dr Tee Boon Chuan, Dr Toh Teong Chuan, Dr Tan Beng Piou, Dr Chou Wen Loong, Dr Er Lee Siong, Dr Lim Chee Men, Dr Yap Siew Chin; FAS academics Dr Tan Huey Pyng, Chiok Phaik Fern, Teh Boon Teck and Lim Kar Loke.

Delegates and speakers taking a group photo to mark the memorable moment

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