ChatGPT discussed at Teaching Forum 5.0

The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) and the Centre for Curriculum Development and Innovation (CCDI) organised Teaching Forum 5.0 at both Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses, and via Microsoft Teams on 5 April 2023. The hybrid forum was moderated by Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) academic Dr Kristina Francis and Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT) academic Assoc Prof Ts Dr Goh Hock Guan.

Dr Poo Kuan Hoong was invited as the speaker for the forum. Dr Poo is currently working as lead data scientist at BAT, where he plays a pivotal role in the development and implementation of Revenue Growth Management (RGM) strategies. A PhD graduate in Computer Science from Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan), he has extensive expertise in data-driven decision-making and a strong background in leveraging Data Science and AI technologies. The forum aimed to educate academics on how to utilise ChatGPT for productivity.

Dr Poo


Dr Kristina (left) and Dr Goh moderating the forum at Sungai Long Campus and Kampar Campus respectively.

Dr Poo introducing his topic

Dr Poo’s presentation topic was titled “How to use ChatGPT for productivity”. He began the session by introducing himself. He then shared the background of ChatGPT, saying, “ChatGPT is a large language model developed by a company called OpenAI. The word ChatGPT is the model behind ChatGPT, which is GPT. What is GPT? GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It’s a large language model that has been trained on a massive dataset of texts to generate people-like texts.”

Dr Poo using diagrams and flow charts to explain how ChatGPT works

“Before we jump to what ChatGPT does, remember that it is just an app. So how do we use ChatGPT? Just go to, and it will present an input; the input is what we call a ‘prompt’. We need to give instructions to prompt. An example of a prompt is when I give the instruction to translate an English sentence into Spanish. ChatGPT will know that I am asking it to translate and the response will then be shown. By using the right keyword (prompt), we can make ChatGPT provide the output,” explained Dr Poo.

Dr Poo demonstrating how to use ChatGPT

Dr Poo also shared his experience of utilising ChatGPT as a content creator, researcher, and learner, as well as for getting things done (GTD). He explained, “How do I use ChatGPT as a content creator? I can ask ChatGPT to generate a topic for a podcast with the title ‘What is the future of genetic AI?’ I can ask ChatGPT to write a profile for me. I can also ask ChatGPT to create 10 slides for me. Lastly, Instagram posts. I can ask ChatGPT to write a post for me. If I am a researcher or academician, I can use ChatGPT to design a teaching plan or training outline. I can also ask ChatGPT to summarise papers that are published, for instance, before September 2021.”

How Dr Poo uses ChatGPT

He further explained, “ChatGPT can do a lot of things for people. It’s like using Google but in a more convenient and easy way. There is a possibility that ChatGPT may replace Google Translate in another five years since ChatGPT can understand images and video, unlike Google Translate.”, Dr Poo also shared other GPT resources that have the same functions as OpenAI which include Bing Chat, Bard-Google,, Notion AI and Perplexity AI.

In a nutshell, Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can be used to boost productivity in many areas. It should be used to augment people’s skills or knowledge to produce better and more efficient outputs,” Dr Poo shared.

The forum ended with a Q&A and a group photography session.

CCDI Head Dr Ngeow Yeok Meng presenting a fruit basket to Dr Poo as appreciation

Group photo: Sungai Long Campus participants


Group photo: Kampar Campus participants

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