Producing global citizens through quality education

Producing global citizens through quality education

To be a global university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact, UTAR has been instilling global perspectives in its teaching and learning to produce global citizens who are knowledgeable and forward-thinking.

Since its inception on 13 August 2002 with 411 students for its first intake, the enrolment has now reached over 21,000 students with more than 700 registered as international students from more than 30 economies. UTAR aspires to provide these international students with a uniquely multicultural environment to enhance their intercultural and social skills, and prepare them for careers in the globalised world of the 21st century. Out of the total registered number, 11 international graduates successfully graduated at UTAR’s 36th Convocation, held from 17 to 19 March 2023.

These international graduates were invited to share their thoughts and below are some testimonials from them.

What do our international graduates say?

Jode Marie Cabatana Masbate
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Journalism

“What interests you to study at UTAR?”

“I am interested in pursuing a career in digital marketing, media management, content writing and graphic design. Hence, I chose UTAR to pursue my studies in Journalism. I believe that being an international student definitely distinguishes me from other graduates as I have experienced UTAR from an outsider’s perspective. I am also able to share my thoughts on political, social and economic issues in Malaysia from the perspective of an outsider. Furthermore, I am a jack of all trades. I am able to adapt and learn quickly from my peers. I have gained several skills in my time at UTAR as well, such as photography and videography skills.”

Tanveer Ahmad
Master of Engineering Science

“Why do you choose to pursue your tertiary studies in UTAR?”

“I chose UTAR because the professors and lecturers in the Environmental Engineering course have good Journal publications. As a chemical engineer, that quality attracted me to pursue Master’s in Environmental Engineering (by research mode) at UTAR. I believe it can enhance my ability in the field of research. Moreover, upon arriving here I found that the study environment at UTAR was conducive and student-friendly. So far, I have published one conference and two research articles from my dissertation. Overall, my experience as a master’s student was phenomenal. Being a research student, I learned and used various equipment during my experimental work.”

Huh Suji
Bachelor of International Business (Honours)
South Korea

“How do you think your studies at UTAR has helped you in your career?”

“I had an opportunity to do my internship at a well-known Korean company. It is a public institution called the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Corporation. Almost all Korean foods in Malaysia are managed there. The internship provided me with valuable experience. Hence, I would like to thank UTAR for it. It also provided me a chance to further improve my knowledge. Since Koreans who speak English are highly valued in Malaysia, it was an added advantage for me because I took up the International Business programme at UTAR. It is safe to say that I have become a coveted talent for Korean companies in Malaysia.”

Li, Weixin
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Language

“What do you think of the learning culture in UTAR?”

“UTAR has an attractive university compound and all-in-English education. Using the English language helped to equip me with sufficient communication skills. Thus, I’m really grateful. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the entrepreneur who sponsored my study here at UTAR. My advice to you is to be positive when you face challenges in life, especially when your family members are not around you. Study hard and do your best to score well. It was an incredible experience for me. I won’t forget the merits that UTAR has brought me. Thank you UTAR for creating a ‘bridge’ for me to establish networks and develop friendships at UTAR. Thank you!”

Amaana Mohamed
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biochemistry
Sri Lanka

“What do you think of the learning culture in UTAR?”

“UTAR has a sustainable learning culture with course material delivered both in the form of lectures and tutorials in small groups. Furthermore, the University encourages further learning through various research projects and third-party seminars and workshops. This can expand students’ knowledge beyond the realms of their subject area. UTAR has also implemented a USSDC programme and UTAR care programme system to motivate students in developing other useful life competency skills. However, semester weeks can be quite hectic with assignment deadlines, reports, presentations and midterms falling consecutively with no preparation break/study break. It would be great to have these graded tests spanned out more evenly to create a less stressful environment. Encouraging group study sessions within the university would be productive as well.”

Gu Ye
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Logistics and International Shipping

“How have you changed since you entered UTAR?”

“Being an international student, it was important for me to learn how to get through university life and enjoy it to the fullest. I took a lot of time to adapt to UTAR as well as the Malaysian culture. But thanks to this opportunity, I started to step out of my comfort zone to connect with people through extracurricular activities and class assignments. It was truly an enriching experience for me to be able to graduate from UTAR.”

Muhammad Haadi Bin Suhail
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

“How do you make yourself comfortable in UTAR?”

“Living here in Malaysia and studying at UTAR was easy. However, since students here are shy and tend to live in their own bubble, you have to go out of your way to meet and talk to them for social interactions. It was a good learning experience for me and I feel more confident now venturing into my work life. I came to Malaysia because of its friendly environment and it was easy to get along with people here compared to the Westerners.  Other than that, the living costs and fees in UTAR were affordable.”

Lin, YuFei
Master of Business Administration (Corporate Governance) (Structure C)

“As a UTAR graduate, what unique experience distinguishes you from other graduates?”

“As a UTAR student, I had the opportunity to participate in numerous research projects, internship practices, and community service activities. It helped me develop various useful skills such as communication skills, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and leadership skills. It also helped me expand my social and professional networks. Additionally, I had the chance to study abroad, participate in international conferences, and collaborate with students worldwide. Exposure to diverse perspectives and cultures can be a valuable experience. UTAR has a positive learning culture that fosters independent learning and encourages us to work in groups. We can participate in class discussions, ask questions, and seek help when needed. UTAR also provides a variety of resources and support services in academic advising, tutoring, and counselling.”

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