TDCX gives talk to final-year and internship students

UTAR Faculty of Accountancy and Management organised a career talk for the graduating and internship students of UTAR on 17 April 2023 at Sungai Long Campus. The lecturer in charge was Hooi Pik Hua @ Rae Hooi from the Department of International Business. Three experienced speakers from TDCX, a company providing outsourcing services, were invited to share their experiences at the talk. The one-hour talk aimed to educate final-year students and internship students on personal branding, creating resumes, and preparing for an interview.

TDCX Group Employer Branding Assistant Manager Vektor talked about “5W1H” in personal branding. He said “Personal branding is the process of creating an identity for yourself; telling people who you are. You can utilise platforms such as LinkedIn, social media and portfolio sites to show who you are. Use content creation and copywriting to build up your personal image.”

Clockwise, from top: Vektor, Carmen and Hasrizal delivering their talk

TDCX Assistant Talent Acquisition Manager Hasrizal Haron continued the next topic on how to write a resume. Sharing his experience, he said, “Six years ago when I was about to graduate, I made a mistake on my resume. I included information from the beginning of high school until the time I was about to graduate. A friend of mine, who was working as a recruiter, reviewed my resume, and said there were too many things on it.” He then shared with students the correct format for writing a resume.

He said, “Sometimes when we call a candidate, the contact number is not reachable. This kind of mistake would cause you to miss an opportunity. Also, a professional email account is important to make a good impression. Please make sure you have a professional email account.” He also told the students that the goals they wish to achieve have to tally with the job they apply for.  He added, “To make your profile stand out, you need to explain your past experience and highlight your achievements using words and numbers. For example, I worked in a team of 10 people to develop a payment system which resulted in 10% of accuracy.”

TDCX Senior Talent Acquisition Team Lead Carmen Lee, who recruits candidates from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, shared tips on how to stand out in interviews. She said, “Prepare yourself when you know you have applied for that particular job. When you receive an unknown call, make sure you are “awake”, with no background noises. If you are outside and unable to talk, reschedule the appointment. When you attend an interview, your attire has to be professional and conservative.” She also explained how to answer interview questions using the STAR method. She said, “Your answer should begin with a situation, followed by task, action, and resolution.”

The talk ended with a Q & A session.

Students during the Q&A session

Vektor (front row, most left), Has (third from left) and Carmen (most right) with participants

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