Bossing up at university talk series: Your Life, Your Choice

Front row, fourth from left: Dr Law, Prof Choong, Mr Effon Khoo, Mr Teo and Ms Evie Loh

The Bossing Up at University talk series titled “Your Life, Your Choice” was held on 9 August 2023 at UTAR Sungai Long Campus. The talk series was organised by Nanyang Siang Pau and The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), in collaboration with UTAR.

Two speakers were invited to share their experiences and insights with the students. The first speaker was Mr Teoh Kok Lin, the founder and chief investment officer of Singular Asset Management Sdn Bhd, and the committee chairman of ACCCIM Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). The second speaker was Mr Effon Khoo, who is the founder of and the committee chairman of ACCCIM Digital Economy. Approximately 120 people were in attendance. The talk received a warm response from the students.

Also present at the talk were UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong, Nanyang Siang Pau Editor-in-chief Ms Evie Loh, Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) Director Assoc Prof Dr Lai Soon Onn and Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) academic Assoc Prof Dr Law Kian Aun.

From left: Mr Teo, Mr Effon Khoo, Ms Evie Loh, Prof Choong and Dr Law

Delivering his welcome speech, Prof Choong said, “I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr Teo Kok Lin and Mr Effon Khoo for gracing our university with their presence and generously sharing their invaluable experiences with our educators and students. The profound insights they will share from their respective realms of expertise in investment and human resources are poised to expand the vistas of our students, offering them fresh perspectives for their future career pathways. Also, a special note of appreciation to Nanyang Siang Pau and ACCCIM for their unwavering support in orchestrating this enriching session, as they have diligently collaborated to bring accomplished entrepreneurs to our university to facilitate the dissemination of their triumphs and valuable experiences.”

Prof Choong thanking the speakers for sharing their invaluable experiences with UTAR staff and students

Mr Teo illuminated the audience with his extensive investment journey. Firmly rooted in his beliefs, he championed the resilience of long-term investments over their short-term counterparts, emphasising the stability they offer. He advised the audience to not chase after popular investment trends, as these often come with risks. In an era characterised by the torrential flow of information, Mr Teo advocated for the elegance of simplicity in investment strategies, underscored by the genuine comprehension of the chosen enterprise or fund. Distilling his experience into three tenets, he urged participants to embrace risk judiciously, grasp the power of compounding, and heed the timeless maxim that “gold doesn't strike without effort”.

Mr Teo sharing his investment experience

Mr Effon Khoo shared his journey of working and starting businesses in Malaysia, the US, and China. He gave advice to the students, saying there are two kinds of workers: those who only work when paid, and those who work hard first. He suggested that the second type tends to succeed more. He emphasised that we need to build our strength before contributing effectively, which requires long-term self-investment. He encouraged tackling tough challenges to showcase personal value, and also believed in continuous learning and expanding connections. He wrapped up with three key points: act before setting conditions, invest in yourself for the long run, and enhance your understanding of the world.

Mr Effon Khoo advising students to invest in themselves for a long run 

Following the enlightening talks by the two speakers, a Q&A session took place, moderated by Dr Law. The engaging conversation between the speakers and students brought the event to a successful close.

During the Q&A session

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