School Engagement Projects at SMK Convent and SMJK Shing Chung

The Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus recently organised two sharing sessions and one workshop for secondary school students in Sitiawan and Sungai Siput as part of the Centre’s school engagement projects. Dang Yun Xin, a former CFS student and Harvard Prize Book finalist for 2022, returned to her alma mater, SMK Convent in Sitiawan, to conduct a sharing session on 27 January 2023. During the session, Dang shared her interesting journey and experiences as a UTAR student, including the challenges she faced and how she overcame them to achieve success.

CFS academic S. Yuvashini introducing students to UTAR programmes as well as UTAR Hospital

Dang sharing her experience at UTAR

Group photo after the sharing session

Meanwhile, on 2 February 2023, Lai Yong Xin, a CFS student and the winner of the Harvard Prize Book 2022, visited her former school, SMJK Shing Chung in Sungai Siput, to conduct a sharing session for Form 4 students. Lai shared her remarkable learning experiences at UTAR and the various activities she participated in, as well as her story of perseverance and hard work in achieving her aspirations.

In addition to the sharing sessions, CFS academics P. Bhargkavi and Kow Li Fen conducted a workshop titled “How to Play to Your Strength”. The goal of the workshop was to help students identify their unique talents and capitalise on their strengths. The students were engaged and actively participated in the workshop.

Overall, both school engagement projects were well-received. The participants found the activities informative and inspiring. They were motivated by their seniors’ sharing and gained valuable insights into their strengths and how to use them to their advantage.

CFS Department of Management and Accountancy (Kampar Campus) Head Tsen Tzu Yee explaining UTAR programmes and introducing UTAR Hospital

Lai conducting the sharing session

Bhargkavi conducting the workshop

Kow conducting the workshop

Students attending the workshop

Tsen (right) exchanging souvenirs with SMJK Shing Chung teacher Hamdi (left)

Group photo after the sharing session and workshop

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