Inspirational talk by Australian MP Sam Lim

Sam Lim (most left) receiving souvenir from Tun Ling and Tan Sri Sak

UTAR was honoured to have Johor-born Australian MP for Tangney, Western Australia Sam Lim Bon Cheng at its Sungai Long Campus on 28 December 2022 to share his experience and give an inspirational talk to the staff and students.

Tan Sri Sak said UTAR is honoured to receive a distinguished guest from Western Australia

UTAR Education Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Sak Cheng Lum introduced Sam Lim and said, “UTAR is most honoured and privileged to have a colourful and distinguished guest from Western Australia, Sam Lim, the MP for Tangney.” He added, “Today we have a striking example of somebody who ventured off the shore of Malaysia and has done Malaysia proud as well as become a very successful person and was recently elected as a member of parliament for Tangney.”

Sam Lim then shared his life journey as a boy from Muar who later became an MP in Australia. He said he was the eldest of eight siblings and they grew up in a poor family. Reminiscing his early years in life, he recollected his childhood memories of living in a home with a leaky roof, dirty floor, and no running water. “The first 15 years of my life was a struggle, but that built me up to who I am today,” he said and added, “And remember to have the ‘I can’ attitude; it is very important! Keep telling yourself ‘you can’ and you will succeed.”

Sam Lim sharing his life stories

Sam Lim shared that his childhood dream was to join the police force, and his dream became a reality when he was accepted into the Royal Malaysia Police in the 1980s. He served as a constable in the Royal Malaysia Police for two years before leaving for higher pay as a dolphin trainer at a safari park to better support his family. His career as a dolphin trainer came to an end when creditors moved into the safari park.

He then emigrated to Australia in 2005 and joined the Western Australia Police Academy in 2006, working across Perth and regional Western Australia. In December 2020, Sam Lim, who speaks 10 languages, was awarded the WA Police Excellence Award (WA Police’s highest accolade) - the Officer of the Year Award for his work with multicultural communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sam Lim enthused, “I can now do more for the people. I tried to make a difference wherever I went, whether as a police officer or as an MP. Language is an important element in communication, when I meet Hokkiens and they hear me speak Hokkien, the barrier dissolves.” “I also created a Chinese social media account as a platform to translate information for people who can’t speak English, and I spent endless hours answering questions and sharing the answers with everyone on the platform,” he explained. 

The session also saw Sam Lim urging the younger generation to be proactive instead of reactive. He said, “The opportunities will not come to you. Instead, you should always broaden your views and seek more opportunities.” He also advised the students to contribute to the nation after completing their studies.

Sam Lim concluded by thanking UTAR Chancellor Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik for establishing the University and enlisting the help of many philanthropists and donors to raise the necessary funds. He also praised Tun Ling’s contribution to the education field.

Among those present to show their support were Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, his wife Toh Puan Ena Ling, UTAR Education Foundation Board of Trustees chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Sak Cheng Lum, his wife Puan Sri Irene Sak, Sam Lim’s wife Wong Chew Yong and family, Board of Trustees Member Datuk Lee Leck Cheng, UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min and many more.

Sam Lim’s family and friends with Tun Ling (front row, seated) and Tan Sri Sak (eight from left)

The audience during the sharing session

Front row, from left: Puan Sri Irene Sak, Toh Puan Ena Ling, Wong, Sam Lim, Tun Ling, Tan Sri Sak, Datuk Lee and Prof Goi with participants

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