TMF Group Malaysia – Administrative Services Sdn Bhd donates to UTAR Tree Adoption Programme

From left: Ms Lim, Mr Wiebe Wijnia, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prof Lau, Ms Maria Khong and Prof Choong

In an effort to fulfil their corporate social responsibility, TMF Administrative Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd donated RM46,000 to UTAR’s Tree Adoption Programme at the mock cheque presentation ceremony, held on 6 January 2023 at T&CM Centre, UTAR Hospital, Kampar.

The event was graced by special guests from TMF Administrative Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The guests included the Regional CFO APAC, Mr Wiebe Wijnia; MD – Malaysia, Ms Lim Lee Kuan; Associate Director, Accounting & Tax, Ms May Leong; Director, Regional Delivery Centre Site, Mr Anthony Kew; Talent Acquisition Lead & CSR Ambassador for Singapore, Australia & Malaysia, Ms Maryanne Richard; Assistant Manager, Accounting & Tax, Mr Sam Pang Mui Sen; Associate Director, Global Entity Management, Ms Rupavathy Govindasamy, and Senior Legal Counsel, Mr Dylan Chiam.

The guests were hosted by UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat; UTAR Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Prof Dr Choong Chee Keong; UTAR Hospital CEO Prof Dr Lau Hui Ping; UTAR Hospital Deputy CEO Ms Maria Khong; and Traditional and Complementary Medicine Director Assoc Prof Dr Te Kian Keong.

Prof Dato’ Ewe thanking TMF for their generosity

Prof Dato’ Ewe spoke about UTAR’s journey and achievements. He went on to share, “Last year we celebrated another milestone of UTAR, which was its 20th Anniversary, and this year, we are expecting to launch the opening of our Medical Block in April/May 2023, which will provide Western Medicine services. UTAR Hospital is part of the growth and expansion of UTAR as a private university for the people by the people. Just as UTAR was set up as a not-for-profit university to provide quality affordable education to the people, UTAR Hospital will also be a not-for-profit private hospital providing affordable and quality medical services to the people. The hospital will also be used to train high-quality medical professionals and improve clinical research in Malaysia, along with providing affordable modern and Traditional Complementary Medicine and health care services, thereby benefiting the medical development of the community and the country.”

He also spoke about the importance of being part of a community and how it is benefitting UTAR in its efforts to provide medical facilities. He continued, “The construction of the Hospital will cost RM330million and UTAR seeks the support of the community to participate in our fundraising efforts. Fortunately, we have indeed received much continuous support from the community and various donors, ranging from individuals to large organisations, which has led to the achievements we have today. These large organisations also include TMF Administrative Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, who have previously supported our UTAR events by participating in our Career Day in 2017 and sponsoring our UTAR Alumni Annual Dinner 2018 which was held in Port Dickson. Today, we are very fortunate again to receive support from them, and we extend our appreciation and gratitude to TMF Administrative Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd, who have so graciously donated RM46,000 to our Tree Adoption Programme, as part of their efforts to raise funds for UTAR Hospital. The name of the organisation will be displayed on the trees to show their effort of adopting 46 trees.”

Mr Wiebe Wijnia mentioning some of their CSR activities

Mr Wiebe Wijnia also shared about TMF Group and the efforts the organisation put into creating a more sustainable environment. He shared, “At TMF, we want to make the complex world simple for our clients who are in multiple jurisdictions. In a certain manner, we try to save their lives; save the lives of valued human beings. ESG— Environmental, Social, and Governance is a crucial topic in multinational companies, and of course, in various ways, we are supporting that. For instance, fresh graduates find that quite important and attractive if companies, like TMF practises ESG; a sustainable practice.”
He continued, “On the other hand, diversity, inclusion, international women’s day; there are various touching points, that it becomes more and more important to do it right, and we want to give something back to the community. A few months ago, we assembled bicycles for people and kids who cannot afford them. Just doing something together and making something for the people who cannot afford it; we find this quite important. Planting trees in a certain manner and offering further help to grow this magnificent hospital is something we respond to as well; it’s symbolic of new life and growth; something which we can reflect on when we get home, and it will trigger us as human beings.”

With the aim to promote green development and increase green density around the hospital’s surroundings, the UTAR Alumni Association of Malaysia initiated the special theme for The Tree Adoption Programme - Adopt a Tree for a Clean and Green UTAR Hospital.

The adopted trees will also display the names of the donors. This was followed by the mock cheque presentation and a tour around the T&CM Centre.

Front row, from left: Prof Choong, Ms Maria Khong, Prof Lau, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Mr Wiebe Wijnia, Ms Lim, and other guests from TMF with UTAR Hospital staff

The guests touring T&CM Centre

TMF guests posing with the mock cheque

A group picture of TMF guests at one of the tree adoption sites

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