Visit by Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

From Left: Raduan, Nur, Chew, Ts Ang, Kenneth Lee, Dr David Tneh, Prof Goi, Dr Sigit, Poppy, Isna Fitria, Sarwendah, Dr Rahmania, Dr Eng, Dr Lim, Rohman, Fitria Eka and Boy Isma

UTAR received visitors from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), Indonesia on 7 June 2023 at its Sungai Long Campus.

Among the visitors were UMSIDA Directorate of Research and Community Service Director Dr Sigit Hermawan, Directorate of Research and Community Service Head (Community Service) Rohman Dijaya, Directorate of Research and Community Service Head (Research) Dr Rahmania Sri Untari, Department of International and Cooperation Affairs Director Isna Fitria Agustina, Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences Dean Poppy Febriana, Study Programme Natural Sciences of Faculty of Psychology and Education Science Secretary Fitria Eka Wulandari, Study Programme Accounting of Faculty Business, Law and Social Sciences Secretary Sarwendah Biduri, Study Programme Industrial Engineering of Faculty of Science and Technology Secretary Boy Isma Putra, Study Programme Quality Assurance Unit of Mechanical Engineering of Faculty of Science and Technology Dr Eng. Rachmad Firdaus.

The visitors were welcomed by UTAR Vice President for Internationalisation and Academic Development Ir Prof Dr Goi Bok Min, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI) Dean Dr David Tneh Cheng Eng, Centre for Extension Education Director Assoc Prof Ir Dr Lim Jee Hock, FCI Student Development and Industrial Training Deputy Dean Ts Ang Kok Yew, FCI Department of Mass Communication Head Kenneth Lee Tze Wei; FCI Department of Mass Communication academics Chew Wee Lee, Raduan bin Sharif, and Nur Syahira binti Md Subre, and Division of Community and International Networking Manager Ong Yoon Furn.

The UTAR corporate video was played to enhance the visitors’ understanding of the overall development of the university. Next, Prof Goi took the opportunity to welcome the visitors warmly and expressed his intentions to look into the exchange programmes offered at both universities.

Prof Goi expressing his thoughts

Poppy, on the other hand, said, “This visit serves as a first step to further our collaboration in the future.” She also agreed with Prof Goi’s suggestion to carry out staff exchange programmes in the future.

Meanwhile, Dr David Tneh also took the opportunity to introduce the Faculty of Creative Industries to the visitors. “The exchange programme would help to diversify learning and provide cultural experiences to students and staff in the future.”

Dr David Tneh introducing FCI

Dr Lim, on the other hand, provided a brief but detailed introduction to the Centre for Extension Education (CEE) and explained the programmes offered by the Centre. The programmes included English Enhancement Programme, MUET Preparatory Course, Student Exchange Programme, Inspire Learning, Non-Graduating Course, Micro-Credential Course and Part-time Honours Degree Programme.

Dr Lim explaining the programmes offered by CEE

A student exchange agreement was also signed between UTAR and UMSIDA on the same day. The signatories were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat and UMSIDA Rector DRS Hidayatulloh. The witnesses were Prof Goi and UMSIDA Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences Dean Poppy Febriana. Both parties looked forward to furthering their collaborations in the future.

The visit ended with a souvenir exchange and a group photography session.

Prof Goi (left) and Poppy

Prof Goi (left) and Dr Sigit exchanging souvenirs

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