Joint IA meeting for LKC FES and FEGT
Front row, from left: Dr Tan, Prof Ng, Dr Yap, Dr Leong and Dr Lee with other academics and industry players
A joint Industrial Advisor (IA) meeting for Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) and Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) was held on 31 May 2023 at UTAR Kampar Campus.
The bi-annual event made its first return after its last physical meetings held in 2019 and 2020, which was then halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Traditionally, the meeting at Kampar Campus will be held in May or June, while the second meeting at Sungai Long Campus will be held in October annually.
The aim of the meeting was to invite the IAs to give feedback on the academic curriculum and share insights on the latest technologies and trends in the industries. The meeting also facilitated cross-departmental discussion in the presence of the IAs and academics on related programmes. Additionally, the meeting provided industry linkage opportunities between local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and staff.
UTAR academics who were present at the meeting were FEGT Dean Ir Prof Dr Ng Choon Aun, LKC FES Dean Assoc Prof Ts Dr Yap Wun She, LKC FES Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Assoc Prof Ts Dr Lee Kim Yee, FEGT Deputy Dean for Academic Development and Undergraduate Programmes Assoc Prof Ir Ts Dr Leong Kah Hon, and Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Dr Tan Kok Tat, along with Heads of Departments, Programmes and other faculty academics.
A total of seventeen prominent industry players participated in the meeting. They were, Mun Hean (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd General Manager Ir Roger Wong Chin Weng; UST Global (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Programme Manager Mr Low Pit Fuh; Sepakat Setia Perunding (Sdn) Bhd Engineering Director Ir Kuah Kee Hong; Greenex Consultants & Greenext Professionals Sdn Bhd Managing Director Ir Dr Tan Kuang Leong; IPM Professional Services Sdn Bhd Founder and Managing Director Ir Dr Justin Lai Woon Fatt; Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn Bhd Executive Director Ir Dr Lee Yun Fook; ICA 40 Sdn Bhd Founder and Director Ir Dr Ng Kean Eng; GoAutomate Sdn Bhd Managing Director Mr Tan Wei Qiang; Stratos Pinnacle Sdn Bhd Executive Director Datin Tina Leong Siew Mun; Maju PBJ Sdn Bhd Project Engineer Ir Chin Woon Kheong; Intel Microelectronics (M) Sdn Bhd Senior Engineering Manager Mr Ivan Teh Fu Sun; ViE Technologies Sdn Bhd Assistant R&D Manager Mr Gooi Kok Ping; ResourceCo Asia (M) Sdn Bhd Technical Manager Mr Mohamad Azril Bin Mohd Radzali; Daikin Research & Development Malaysia Sdn Bhd Head of Division (Development Support) Dr Chin Wai Meng; Leadway Consultancy (M) Sdn Bhd Principal Consultant Ir Ts Dr Lee Wai Yin; Gamuda Engineering Sdn Bhd Senior Manager Mr Leong Tat Fatt; and Jurutera Perunding LTC Sdn Bhd & PYK Consultant Director Principal Ir Pang Yoon Khong.
After the meeting, the IAs took a tour around the UTAR Hospital. A UTAR Hospital staff was present to provide them with an explanation of the hospital’s operations and facilities.
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