Exploring collaboration opportunities between Academia Sinica and UTAR

Exploring collaboration opportunities between Academia Sinica and UTAR

Front row, from left: Dr Chen, Dr Chen Chien-Chang, Dr Meng, Dr Lim, Dr Sit, Dr Cheah and Dr Phoon

The Division of Community and International Networking (DCInterNet) organised a briefing on “Research at Academia Sinica (AS), Taiwan” for the staff and students of UTAR on 12 June 2023 at Kampar Campus and 13 June 2023 at Sungai Long Campus.

The event aimed to explore internship opportunities, graduate programmes and potential research collaborations in the area of mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences and humanities and social sciences.

The briefing was conducted by AS Department of International Affairs Director Dr Meng Tzu-Ching, Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service Director Dr Chen Chien-Chang and Department of International Affairs Project Manager Ou Yang, Liang-Meng. The briefing entailed an introduction to Taiwan International Internship Programme (TIIP), Taiwan International Graduate Programme (TIGP) - X and postdoctoral opportunities. It also included an introduction to Academia Sinica, its research highlights and ongoing research projects.

Kampar session

Present for the briefing in Kampar Campus were Faculty of Science (FSc) Dean Assoc Prof Dr Lim Tuck Meng, FSc Deputy Dean for R&D and Postgraduate Programmes Dr Phoon Lee Quen, FSc Deputy Dean for Student Development and Industrial Training Assoc Prof Dr Sit Nam Weng, Centre for Biomedical and Nutrition Research (CBNR) Chairperson Dr Eddy Cheah Seong Guan, DCInterNet Deputy Director Dr Chen, I-Chi, UTAR staff and students. Dr Phoon moderated the session at Kampar Campus.

Dr Lim highlighting the close partnership between both institutions

The session at Kampar Campus kick-started with a welcome speech by Dr Lim. He welcomed and thanked the delegates from AS for conducting this beneficial talk for UTAR students and staff. He also shared the past collaborations between UTAR and AS. He mentioned that both UTAR and AS have been in a close partnership since 2018.

Dr Meng introducing Academia Sinica

Dr Meng, who is also a Research Fellow of AS Institute of Biological Chemistry, thanked UTAR and DCInterNet for the arrangement and shared a brief introduction about Academia Sinica. He mentioned, “Academia Sinica is a leading academic institution in Taiwan and we have three campuses; the main campus is located in Nangang, Taipei; the National Biotechnology Research Park is located nearby the Main Campus, and the Southern Campus is located in Tainan. By adhering to the key objectives of AS, we aspire to contribute to society from an academic perspective by targeting key issues and nurturing research talents to achieve excellence.”

He then specially introduced the Taiwan International Graduate Programme (TIGP) - X, a new programme launched to cultivate young talents by establishing a strong partnership between AS and a partner university (X). Before ending his session, he mentioned that he looks forward to collaborating with UTAR on this new initiative.  

Ou Yang explaining the Taiwan International Internship Programme (TIIP)

In the following session, Ou Yang introduced the Taiwan International Internship Programme (TIIP). While encouraging students to apply for the programme, she said, “This will be a great opportunity for interns to experience professional research training with Taiwan’s top scientists in a wide variety of disciplines, and assistance will be given to interns on matters of allowance, on-campus accommodation and airfare, as well as, mental care and support services.”  

Dr Chen presenting the research highlights of Academia Sinica

Dr Chen, who is also the Research Fellow of AS Institute of Biomedical Sciences, introduced the structure and operation of institutes and research centres in AS. He explained, “The research disciplines in AS are grouped into three divisions, namely Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Division of Life Sciences, and Division of Humanities and Social Sciences. The researchers in AS work hard in their respective disciplines and contribute new research findings to the field.” He then shared the research highlights, core facilities, fundamental discoveries and some of the significant research projects of the three divisions in AS.

Dr Cheah introducing the overview development of CNBR

Dr Cheah subsequently introduced the UTAR Centre for Biomedical and Nutrition Research (CNBR) to the delegates by explaining the Centre’s objectives, goals, research focus areas, research expertise, ongoing research projects, collaboration partners, significant collaboration, achievements and many more. He also mentioned that he looks forward to expanding the cooperation network with partners from local and abroad.

The Kampar session ended with a discussion and a souvenir presentation ceremony.

Dr Meng (left) presenting a souvenir to Dr Lim

Sungai Long session

First row, from left: Ou Yang, Dr Chen, Prof Lim and Dr Meng

Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR) Deputy Director of Sungai Long Campus Prof Ts Dr Lim Yang Mooi was the moderator for the session at Sungai Long Campus. The session saw the participation of administrative staff, academics and students.

The session started with a speech by Prof Lim. In the speech, she expressed her wish to see UTAR and AS collaborate in various areas in the future. After that, Dr Meng, Ou Yang and Dr Chen Chien-Chang were invited to share about the Taiwan International Graduate Programme (TIGP – X), Taiwan International Internship Programme (TIIP) and AS’s research highlights and post-doc opportunities respectively.

Following the briefing was another sharing session, introducing UTAR’s research centres. It was conducted by M. Kandiah Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MK FMHS) Department of Pre-clinical Sciences Head Assoc Prof Dr Ong Hooi Tin, MK FMHS Centre for Stem Cell Research Chairperson Prof Dr Alan Ong Han Kiat, Dr Wu Lien-Teh Centre for Research in Communicable Diseases Chairperson Prof Dr Yap Sook Fan and MK FMHS Department of Pre-clinical Sciences academic Dr Ling Wei Chih.

Dr Ong introduced the Centre for Cancer Research and explained the current research status, as well as, the areas for potential research collaboration, while Dr Alan introduced the Centre for Stem Cell Research and discussed the research projects conducted in the Centre. While introducing the Centre for Research on Non-communicable Diseases and Dr Wu Lien-Teh Centre for Research in Communicable Diseases, Dr Ling and Dr Yap explained the Centre’s current status and the research projects carried out in each Centre respectively.

The briefing continued with a discussion session and ended with a souvenir exchange session.

Dr Meng (right) presenting a souvenir to Prof Lim

Prof Lim (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Dr Chen Chien-Chang

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