Five students receive scholarships from Rotary Club of Pudu

From left, second: Seow, Jitco Chin, Ching and Ang (sixth) with other Rotary Club members

Five students from UTAR were granted scholarships by the Rotary Club of Pudu. The scholarship presentation ceremony took place on 17 April 2023 at Shangri La Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Three of the scholarship recipients attended the event.

The scholarship was presented by Rotary Club of Pudu Chairman Jitco Chin. It was given to students who came from financially disadvantaged families, but exhibited outstanding academic performance. The recipients received a one-time scholarship of RM5,000 from the Club. The five students who received the scholarship were:






Chow Wen Xuan


Bachelor of Communication (Honours) Public Relations


Ching Kai Xuan


Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) Guidance and Counselling


Beh Sim Yi


Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biomedical Science


Seow Kit Chong


Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Banking and Finance


Ang Jia Pei


Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

One of the scholarship recipients, Ching Kai Xuan said, “I am grateful to be offered this scholarship as it not only validated my hard work in my academic studies, but it has also helped me financially. I will put this scholarship to good use and continue to work hard in my studies so that I can be a successful mental healthcare practitioner who can contribute to society in the future. Last but not least, I would like to grab this opportunity to thank the Rotary Club of Pudu and the sponsors once again for their generosity.”

Jitco Chin (left) presenting the mock cheque to Ching

Another recipient, Seow Kit Chong said, “I would like to sincerely express my heartfelt gratitude to my generous sponsor for providing the necessary funds and to the Rotary Club of Pudu for selecting me as one of the scholarship recipients. This opportunity holds immeasurable value to me, and I am deeply appreciative. I am fully devoted to continually improving myself and conquering any weaknesses I may possess. With unwavering determination, I aim to prove that I am truly deserving of this scholarship and demonstrate my utmost commitment to making the most of this exceptional opportunity.”

Jitco Chin (left) presenting the mock cheque to Seow

The third scholarship recipient from Computer Science Programme, Ang Jia Pei said, “I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my generous sponsor. Your belief in aspiring students like me is truly inspiring. Your support not only alleviates financial burdens but also instils confidence and motivation. With your assistance, I am able to pursue my dreams, knowing that someone believes in my potential. Your philanthropy has not only opened doors for me but also ignited a lifelong commitment to giving back to society.” She added, “The journey of pursuing a scholarship has been transformative. It has taught me resilience, time management, self-reflection, and gratitude. I am forever grateful to my sponsor for their unwavering support. With their backing, I am determined to make the most of this opportunity and positively impact the world.”

Jitco Chin (left) presenting the mock cheque to Ang Jia Pei

The fourth recipient, Beh Sim Yi said, “I have learned a lot during the application process, including the procedure and preparation to apply for a scholarship. That application experience also motivated me not to give up easily under the influence of others’ opinions. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Rotary Club of Pudu and Tan Sri Tay Ah Lek, the sponsor of my financial aid. The Rotary Club of Pudu Undergraduate Financial Aid has lightened my financial burden and inspired me to help others and give back to the community.”

UTAR congratulates all scholarship recipients and wishes them the best in their academic pursuits and future endeavours.

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