UOBAM Investment Day at Sungai Long Campus

UTAR Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) and UOB Asset Management Malaysia collaborated to organise two talks on 22 February 2023. The speakers invited to deliver the talks were Principal Officer and Chief Marketing Officer Kenny Suen from Bill Morrisons and Senior Director Edwin Lee from UOBAM Malaysia. They were invited to share their vast knowledge and wisdom on investment with the staff and students.

Kenny Suen introducing himself to the audience

The first talk given by Kenny Suen was titled “How Unit Trust helps you avoid the biggest financial mistakes in life”. During the talk, Kenny Suen took the audience on a road trip, sharing his life experiences and some of the biggest mistakes he has made, hoping that the audience would learn something from it.

“Whatever you earn, choose to save and invest,” Kenny Suen said. He further emphasised that material things in this world are not important and should not be prioritised. He used the term “Delay gratification” which means resisting the desire to take an immediately available reward in order to obtain a more valuable reward later. He also said that the general rule of thumb in any type of investment is to never borrow and invest; it is a big no-no and must be avoided at all costs.

Another eye-opening knowledge he shared was regarding the stock market. “Treat stocks like how you would treat humans; different stocks have different characteristics. Some stocks, for instance, you will need to pay extra attention while the rest you can just leave them alone and it will do just fine,” he shared.

“More importantly, don’t worry about mistakes. Try to learn from it as much as possible while you are still young and able to afford it,” he finally added.

The audience during the sharing session

Kenny Suen presenting lucky draw prizes to the winners

Front row, fourth from left: Kenny Suen with UTAR academics and students

Edwin Lee during his talk

The second session of the talk given by Edwin Lee was titled “Light at the end of the tunnel-after a brutal year, 2023 looks promising”.

At the talk, Edwin Lee shared the major causes of inflation in the world. He also stated that the United States was much more of an influence on the whole world in those days, however, there was a drastic change in 2023. According to him, China is now the key engine of economic growth in the world.

Edwin Lee explaining China’s economic growth

“Do you know that China has an influence over our country?” he said. According to Edwin Lee, things such as Grabfood delivery, cashless payment system as well as Online shopping were all adopted from China. He also explained the three signs of “The change of world order”.

Edwin Lee explaining the three signs of “The change of world order”

Edwin Lee concluded the talk with a Q&A session and a group photography session.


Edwin Lee presenting lucky draw prizes to winners

 Edwin Lee (front row, middle) with staff and students

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